
Please help me... fast.

by  |  earlier

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I'm so depressed. Everything is going wrong and I don't know what to do. I've been screwed up for a while now, and I've been seeking help (therapy and pills) and nothing is working. This week has been the hardest week on me yet. I just switched medications and I went from suicidal (Prozac) to Wellbutrin which hasn't started doing anything yet... but decreasing my appetite. Anyway. I keep thinking of all the problems in my life and I can't stop. Usually this wouldn't matter I would just try to leave my room or go to sleep...

But, I just got a call that my grandpa is in the hospital and theres a great chance he's dying. So that really isn't helping.

What I need help with is that I'm so distraught and unfocused and I can't stop crying or getting my head to stop hurting.... and the bad thing about this is, my final in my Physics class is tomorrow. I have a ton of stuff I need to study and I don't know what to do because I'm screwed up... I'm losing it completely.

Please suggest something...anything. Please!!




  1. i am sorry you are having to deal with all of this,i understand how stressed you must be.It will take close to month until the new med starts working,It is also hard when you have to deal with the possibility of a close relative dying,i hope they can do something to help him,i hope he pulls through.It is okay to cry,as this just means you care and you do not want to see anything happen to him.Do you have anyone who you can talk to,like your parents or a supportive friend,is there a way you can tell the school about what is happening,they might let you take the exam when things have settled down,cause sometimes they make exceptions in cases like this.If you need to,you might want to talk with your doc and T and let them know what is going on,they might help support you through this as well.Maybe the T or doc can write a letter to the school and explain what is happening,so maybe you can take a break to help your get focus back.

  2. study for your final with a friend. its easier also let be someone you can trust so that you can talk to them and get advice from them too

  3. I hope you are under the treatment of a psychiatrist as opposed to just a family doctor.  Since mental health is what a psychiatrist specializes in, they are usually more up to date on their field.  

    I've been there.  At times it felt like all I did was just cry for days at a time.  I used to take prozac and went through very similar symptoms when I came off of it.  Prozac made me very numb to feelings, and have no s*x drive.  This was horrible for my marriage.  I started on Wellbutrin several years ago, and it took a while to get in my system.  

    For me, I started taking it at night before bed, but found it made me feel sort of wierd, so I switched to the morning and have been much better.  After several monthes of taking it though I did start to find myself getting bitchy so we had to add a second medication to offset that.

    I too have had this problem for ever.  I just have cronic major depression, it seems to run in my family.  I've been on Wellbutrin and Effexor at the same time for several years now.  This combination seems to work the best for me.  Effexor does cause headaches if not taken at the same time everyday, and is a hard drug to come off of though.

    I would suggest you ask for an extension from your final, and get a note from your doctor for school.  You are going through a very difficult time right now, the school should approve the extension.  OR just do the best that you can on your exam under the circumstances and not worry so much about your grade.  You are going through a lot and need time for your mind to settle down and hopefully for the medication to start working.

    I wish you the best of luck.  

  4. First of all, is there a way that you could contact your teacher and explain the situation you are living at this time ( your grand-ma being in the hospital and you starting new medicationl...)?? Ask if it were possible to push your exam further... I would really try talking to your teacher, you've got nothing to loose...

    Second of all, .I know when I feel like I'm about to go crazy, I call the crisis help line in my neighborhood...You surely must have one in yours...talking to professionnals on the phone can help you feel less out of control. They know how to take the drama out of the craziness, and they won't talk down to you or make you feel weird...they really help!!

    I also know what it's like to have bad reactions to medication. I too was suicidal on prozac...and like you said, it takes about 3 weeks for wellbutrin to take effect. BE CAREFULL!!! I was fine on wellbutrin at the begining but, by the time the wellbutrin was in my body (in the third week) I became full blown suicidal (and I am not usually was the medication that was sending me in a state of mania (and unlike presumption, manias are not only about being extra-happy...they can make you extra-enraged and suicidal!!) That's why, whenever I have to start a new medication, I make sure that I have someone "supervising" me. ( It makes me feel like I'm a kid being watched over but it's better than hurting myself because of a bad reaction to pills...)

    You should really get a second advice for your medication...I don't know if you are bipolar but if you are, you shouldn't be on anti-depressants without taking a stabiliser, or else it will send you in full blown mania!!! I know it sucks to get drowsy from the medication but, it's better than doing something that will hurt you or others!!! Whatever you do, don't stay alone cause you wont notice if your getting worst!!

    Be carefull and hang on!!  

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