
Please help me fellow Christians, I have a tough one!?

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My husband is Agnostic and I understand why he feels the way he does. But he asked me a question that I feel I cannot answer.

I watched a story on the Big Bang Theory and it said it all came from nothing. I told him that was proof of God, because how else did it get there from nothing at all. He then asked me;

What created God?

I said he is and always has been, but this was not good enough. What can I do?




  1. He created Himself, out of three stages of darkness (if memory is serving me correctly) is what I learned.

  2. I call BS

    The big bang theory does not claim the singularity of the universe came from "nothing"

    In fact it makes no claims about the origins of the singularity.

    You Christians love to think in linear terms and you all just assume that every effect has a cause.  When you get to the quantum level and when you are talking about the other dimensions besides the 4 we know about, it doesnt work that way.  Assuming that a deity must of been the "start" of the universe is something I would expect a primitive person, a delusional person, or a child to believe.

    This is a very important concept that I hope one day you will understand.  Just because you dont know something, that does not mean God did it.  

  3. JOHN 1:3      All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

    That's one I have to say pray about it. It's hard to explain God to a carnally minded indiviual that has never experienced God in their heart. You just have to let him know that God and the mysteries thereof are more then he can think.

    Job 11:9.    The measure thereof is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea.

    1 Corinthians 2:10     But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

  4. Your answer is the only correct one: God has no beginning and no end, tough as that is for a finite mind to grasp.  That is the only real answer you can give because it is the truth.

    I'm sorry your husband thinks God has to fit what he understands of the world.  Obviously, you have room in your heart and mind for a much bigger God Who does not fit mankind's limited understanding.  Please keep praying for your husband, as I'm sure you're already doing.  Pray that he somehow come to understand.  Pray that the Holy Spirit would make it clear to him somehow.  

  5. Why don't you just leave him alone already?

    How would you like it if he forced his agnosticism on you all the time?

    Personally, I'm agnostic too, and I would get slightly annoyed if you kept bugging him about it. To us, God is no different from Santa Claus or the Flying Spaghetti Monster, all big hypothetical inventions.

    Am I making any sense to you?

  6. You watched a story on the big bang theory and it said it came from nothing? Some how I highly doubt that is true. No decent scientific program about the big bang would ever state that we all came from nothing.

    The idea with god is that he does not need a creator. The only problem with this argument is that it could work for nature as well. If god does not need a a creator then why does nature?

  7.     We can only partially comprehend the notion of God's existence.  To do so, we must use human concepts to speak of God:  "without beginning or end"; "eternal"; "infinite", etc.   The Bible says that He has always existed:  " . . . even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God" (Psalm 90:2).  And, "Your throne is established from of old; Thou art from everlasting" (Psalm 93:2).  Quite simply, God has no beginning and no end.  So, where did God come from?  He didn't.  He always was.

    i hope this helps......before God created us....there was no "time".  God invented the sense of doesnt apply to God.....He has always been here...we havent.

    God Bless You

    with love...."D"

  8. Nothing created God he is the Alpha and the Omega, The beginning and the end.  It is one of those things that the human mind cannot fully comprehend.

  9. All creation starts with a bang, however the start is not

    a real beginning, rather,  a point in a cycle.

    Creation is comprised of two factors. Energy bits (bosons)

    and forces we know as Laws Of Physics.

    Energy forms are not the creative forces.

    The Laws Of Physics, which are God's word, are not an

    energy form.

    Energy also has two stages, Quantum and Particle. Simply

    put: the energy, and the forces that govern energy, exist even

    when time and space are missing. also, not all energy is

    convertible. The quarks are believed to be indestructible. And,

    it's these "quarks" that define who we are.

    Creation appears to come from nothing because the centers

    of any energy form is actually a vacuum frequency.

    This is why black holes have greater density than the rest of

    the universe. It also explains why we come through our parents,

    rather than from our parents. (1995 discovery )

    Currently, we're moving from the Atomic Age into the age of

    Quantum Mechanics, which will be the basis for any serious

    space travel.

    The new Giant Hadron Energy Collider fires up on Sept 10.

    I truly hope it makes the headlines, rather than the back page.

    It's my personal belief that this marvel of science will be a great

    revelation of just how God's creation works.

    This is life. This is what works. Keep the faith.

  10. God has always been and always will be.  Hence:  a little thing called faith.

    You know in your heart it is true.  That's all you need.  If he chooses not to believe that is his choice.  It is only your job to tell him what you know to be the Truth..from then on he decides what he wants to do.

  11. You can tell him to quit being an illogical twit.  There was, somewhere, a beginning.  You HAVE to start somewhere.  An infinite regress is logically impossible.  Perhaps he thinks the big bang was the beginning, or that whatever caused it was the beginning, but he has to start somewhere.  You start it at God.  Asking what created God opens things up to an infinite regress, and frankly, ignores a defining aspect of what makes God qualify as God - existing eternally.

  12. You are correct , no one created God, He is eternal. The eternal God is the only thing that makes sense.  Remember if God had to have a creator  or a cause  then  the creator of God had to have a creator, and so forth and you end up with an infinite number of creators or causes. Therefore God  always was , is and always will be. This has to be good enough because it is the truth.    

  13. Put this question to him. "What makes you  think God was created?." You may also want to ask. " If the big bang came from nothing, then where did nothing come from?" Then see how smart he is.

  14. No one can fully explain eternity, since no one alive has experienced it.

    But that doesn't make it any less true.

    You are right -- something eternal, in this case God, wasn't created, God just always *was.*

    It doesn't take any more faith to believe that than it takes to believe in the Big Bang.  

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