
Please help me feng shui my room!?

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i need more positive energy in my room. Im 14, and i can't do anything major like painting, so i really need some sugestions. Thanks!!!




  1. Painting your room isn't the only answer to feng shui. In fact, according to feng shui practices, you would divide your space into nine equal areas (imagine a tic tac toe grid placed over your floor plan), each area being activated best by a different color. So that would be pretty crazy to try to paint one room nine different colors anyway.

    First, take a look at the feng shui bagua map and figure out which areas you need to activate most based on what you need more of in your life. Based on your age, I'm guessing you're in school and might like to activate the knowledge area and maybe the helpful people area and perhaps the family and relationships...depends on where you need the help fastest.

    Here's a link to a bagua map:

    Just click on the areas to learn how activating one can improve your situations, then see what the best way to activate them might be. It will list a color or colors and an element like wood or metal. You can be creative about how you introduce the activators into your room. For example, to activate the skills and knowledge area, try putting a picture of a field of blue flowers...there you have blue and earth, two of the activators. You can use things you already have too, if you don't want to go out and buy things. Maybe a blue shirt you already have in your closet would work for you. Or you could make a list of things you want to learn more about on a piece of blue paper and keep it in the  knowledge corner. It doesn't have to be visible can tape it to the wall if you want to or keep it in a drawer or tape it to the bottom of a chair, no need to disrupt your life or even announce that you're practicing feng shui unless you want to.

    In general, since you asked for energy, try keeping the clutter down as much as possible, especially in the path from your bedroom door. You could hang a pretty sounding wind chime near your door too, and just tap it as you go in and out. That is supposed to attract chi (energy). Make sure your feet aren't pointing straight out the door  when you're laying in bed. Feng Shui usually recommends placing your bed as far from the door as possible when its practical to do so. Good luck!

  2. Get markers. Draw on your walls, even if it's not a  drawing you could just scribble random inches of color in random places. Take a pen  and write poetry on them. Put up posters. Draw pictures  and tape them  up. Get a sibling (if you hav e one) to draw you a pretty picture, or what THEY think is pretty. :] Color your hands (or paint..but you're  not allowed to paint..) and make  handprints.  I have done all of the above to mine. =]

    Also, you could get a  bunny. :]  He  makes my room so  much fun!!

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