
Please help me figure this out. my bf cheated on me while i was pregnant. i asked him if he was and he denied

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This happened Sunday. Today he sent me a text message. This is how our convo went. whats up? does he want to work things out or what?

Him: I know there is no easy way of saying this and it might not mean any thing to you but i am sorry for what i did to you and how i did it.

Him: i wasnt good enough for you and i should of been a man about what i did but instead i turned into a mouse. im sorry. i really am

Him: you deserve better and i wasn't it. At least i could of done better.

Me: I only wanted to make a family with you. I feel so stupid - everything i flipped out about and accused you of was going on!

Why did you do this to me? you always said you wouldnt. I trusted you.

Him: Im sorry. I never thought i would i should of done things differently.

Me: How?

and then he never responded back... whats it sound like to you? sorry - this is really hard for me. does he want to come back for me and baby?




  1. If you ask me I say it sounds as though he wanted a way out and he cared for you but no he doesn't want to go back together.  He was apologetic which shows he didn't want you to hurt, but his method of getting out of the relationship with you did hurt you, but seriously hun you don't need a man in your life and the life of your child who is like that...  I am not saying cut him out completely, you are having a baby with him, so you need to find out if he intends to care for and have a relationship with the child and go from there.  But no I don't think he wants to get back in a relationship with you. sorry and good luck!

  2. There are mainly two possibilities here.Either he's feeling guilty and wants to come back to you or he just wants to end this relationship saying sorry and tht you deserve a better guy.The best way out is to meet up with this guy and talk things out rather than waiting for each other's text messages.Good Luck!

  3. once a cheater always a cheater. he is just apologizing to you to clear his guilty mind. . If he really wanted a family he would of not cheated. stay away from him .  

  4. i ate to say this but it sounds like hes trying to confess!!

    what you need to do is one of two things...

    1)you can either say, right i dont want to know, im done, and move on...

    2) or you can accept the fact that maybe he has cheated, maybe he hasnt, maybe you will never know the truth,  but if your willing to make a go of it forget all that and start fresh then just do it

    we only live once...dont make the wrong choice...ask him if he loves you and wants to be with you? if he says yes then go for it..

    good luck  

  5. Sounds like you need to put down your phones, stop texting and start TALKING.

  6. maybe he just wants to let you know he's sorry...don't take him back you deserve so much better!! No one deserves to get cheated on and shouldn't take it!!!

  7. Ding ding ding CHILD SUPPORT! He cheated on you while your carrying his baby, this is a big red flashing light to get out NOW and not bring your child into a bad situation and relationship, if hes cheating now he'll always cheat! And it just sounds like hes trying to make nice for the h**l of it, if he cared about you and that baby he would of been with you and not cheating with another girl! Dont do it, get him for child support, and have a nice cheating free life with your child!

  8. Tricky boyfriend left me when i was 4 months pregnant for another women...he has apologized 1,000 times, but i can never forgive him..he ended up coming to our daughter's birth, but i had him denied to come back when he left cause she followed him he says he is done with her but i won't believe it til he hands me divorce papers that they are through...he basically texted the same stuff to me alot, but it will be hard to trust have to do what is right for u and your child...believe me, i wish he was with me, but for now this is what is best...another thing i have always heard is once a cheater, always a cheater...that is can also be very true...but just follow your heart and what you feel is right for you and your will all work out for you hopefully!!

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