
Please help me figure this out.?

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the other night i was awaken by my mother saying i was screaming in my sleep. i am able to scream quiet well with my mouth closed. i am pregnant but i dont think it had anything to do with it. when i woke up i found m throat soar from screaming and even heard myself screaming. i couldnt remember anything before this. and this has never happened before. what could it be




  1. Something about your life or your pregnancy is frightening you now and it's manifesting itself in your dream.  Examine what you are afraid of -- you may already know what it is.  

    Good luck.

  2. Your dream indicates that while you have no conscious thoughts at the moment of drivers to this dream that relate to pregnancy, it is likely involved in at least one or two ways.

    You are going through many complex changes as your pregnancy progresses.  These are chemical / hormonal, physical and the physiology that goes with all of it and emotional sensitivites change rapidly as well.  It gets harder to sleep well for a variety of reasons - and dreams often work well outside of the box in that stewpot.

    Note that you do not recall the dream.  That is quite normal - and is the case with most of our dreams.  This one came to your attention by your mother's attention to your vocal manifestation of the dream.  Why screaming?  That could result from a momentary terror in your unrecalled dream - anything: a booger man, so to speak - or anything else that might surface as a deeply buried fear while your mind vented un-needed information.  A bit of digestive distress would do it - not much of it is needed either: just an odd snack a bit too late can do it, especially during pregnancy.  Something that you are accustomed to from the past may not be handled quite as well now - and the belly does drive the mind to action.

    Until something recalled surfaces you don't have much to go on for meaning - and it was likely rather non-specific to have not been recalled.  Check over your sleeping habits and area - make certain you are relaxed when retiring and give your self enough hours of sleep in a comfortable area - not too warm or cool but with fresh air.  If snacks are a habit, take them earlier.  These things may help a bit if this is a recurring issue for you.  

    Hopefully some of this may help in your understanding.  Good luck to you with your pregnancy and for more restful times to come as you await the arrival of your babe.

    All the best.

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