
Please help me find a safety over for a garbage disposal switch?

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My nephew has found the garbage disposal switch!!

At my sisters house it is located on the bottom cabinet within his reach.Obviously this could be dangerous so I have been searching the internet for hours trying to find a cover to go over it so he doesn't have access to it.But I have had no luck.

Can someone please help!?! If there is a place to purchase this other than on line that would be great!

Thanks in advance!




  1. My only idea would be to use one of those boxes you can put over a thermostate so people don't change the settings. There is a key you have to use to unlock and get the box off.

  2. something like this might work...

    otherwise you could try putting duct tape over the switch so it can't be moved.

  3. is it in a cabinet??  If so...lock the cabinet.  If not you could temp. put tape over the switch, heavy duty tape

    okay I think I found something called kindergard outlet it and check it out

    edit: this should work

  4. how old is your nephew? there are latches that you can put on cabinet doors that young children can not open. try that and see if he can get into it.

  5. Try the link below. The purpose of this gimmick is totally on a different score, but you can adapt it to your needs.(use small pieces of magnetic tape to make the magnet work, if the switch is not like a light switch outlet.)

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