
Please help me finding silver travel insurance..

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I booked an holiday with Thomson yesterday to Malia, Crete. I am 19 years old and leave 12/07/2009 for 14 nights along with 2 friends who bought thomsons insurance.

I have been told by Thomson I must get my insurance within 2 weeks? and they shall be ringing to check? demanding a code/number so they can actually contact the company I purchase the insurance off to ensure I have it.

I go abroad twice a year every year and this is the first time i've known this.. I usually get my insurance a few weeks before I leave to go..can Thomson do this?

Also does anyone know where I can get cheap SILVER insurance (the same as thomsons) for cheaper than £22.99? I'm asking because I have looked all over finding similar but none the same.. Please help! It has to be the same I have been told!




  1. You do NOT have to take their holiday insurance nor do you have to get an insurance within 2 weeks.   The following is from their on-line booking form "travel options" -

    Having adequate travel insurance for the entire duration of travel is a condition of booking and this must be arranged prior to departure. Otherwise, you make and take these travel arrangements at your own risk and cost. If you are taking responsibility for your own travel insurance, please read and agree to the following before completing your booking: "I have declined to take out the travel insurance cover offered by Thomson. I hereby undertake on behalf of all members of my party to have in place travel insurance comparable to that offered by Thomson and I declare that all passengers will be/are adequately covered for the entire duration of travel".

    As far as insurance for yourself is concerned, by going to the "" site, you will find you can obtain good, adequate cover for as little as £6.66p for the 14 days, and there are many more well under the price Thomson are quoting.    

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