
Please help me !!!!??? girls please!?

by  |  earlier

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I really think I'm fat...

I'm 5'4 and a half possibly 5'5 and I weigh 110-115 ish.

My friends used to always call me skinny but now they stopped..

My mom still calls me skinny but she's obviously calling me that cause shes my mom. I dance 4 days a week so I'm pretty active...

Please tell me if you think I would be fat...

I'm dieing to know and don't be meen please:)




  1. thats really not fat. dont go by what other people say, as long as you stay active and only eat when you're hungry and dont when you're full, you should be fine. i wish i was that weight. i'm about the same height, but i'm older than you..i weigh a lot more too.  

  2. no, hun, you're not.  

  3. YOU ARE SKINNY!! stop it.

  4. grr

  5. no your not I'm like 5 ft. and i way 117. I wear a size 5 in jeans and a small in shirts. im a 38b and no one has EVER said I was fat! . I'm sure you look just fine.

  6. Hunny you are not fat. at all!!!!! you are fine just the way you are and if anybody tells u any different they are simply jealous. I'm 5"3 139 pounds and i'm 15 i wear a size 9 in jeans and a medium in most shirts lol and i'm not fat at all. i have an hourglass figure so that pretty much explains that. I personally think that i've reached my height and size max cuz i've been this way for a really lonq time  But seriously u exercise and everything... ur fine don't stress it at all. ur still qrowinq 110-115 is awesome  i remember when i was ur age i was about 5"1 and weighed that much i wore like a 3. trust me its pretty average all women are different but YOU ARE NOT FAT!!!!!! hope this helped!

  7. Hi! I'm sorry, but I really don't think you are fat! You are sort of tall, and 110-115 isn't much for someone your height.

    So because they don't call you skinny anymore is the reason you think you are fat? Not so!!!! I would give almost anything to be that weight! If you feel like you are fat, exercise! Take off what you don't like? Have a little more pride in yourself, I'm sure you are beautiful! See "ya!

  8. there is no way your fat!!

    id love to have a body like that!

    it also depends on your age though

    i hope ive helped u babe, feel free to add me if u have any more Qs

    Good Luck


  9. do u want a answer? or attention?????   YOUR FAAAAAT!!!  go on a diet ASAP!

  10. You really aren't fat.

    I'm 5'1, and I weigh 110.

    Your probably an average weight, like me.

    It could just be muscle, because it can't really be fat with all the exercise dance requires.

    Muscle weighs more than fat, so that's probably where the high numbers are coming from.

    I wouldn't worry about it.

    I hope this helped :D

  11. YOU ARE NOT FAT! just because they stopped telling you is probably because you keep saying you are fat and they are tired of telling you that you are skinny! they assume you would agree with them by now. and your mom is saying that because she loves you and knows that she will always tell you the truth. dont doubt yourself. and you dance! so thats great you are getting your exercise. just make sure you eat more fruits and vegetables than carbs and fats :D

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