
Please help me here.?

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Okay soo this is one of Shelbe's friends, Candance.

Okay so i hang out with kids that are around 15-17.

And im 13.

Well we all know what kids that age do.

Smoke,Drink,And yeahh.

Im really mature and i think most kids my age are anoyying as fudge.

Not all just most.

there is group of us at school who are considered "Bad Kids."

Yup thats us.

And i know some kids my age that are into that kinda stuff too.

Ive been soo tempting to try stuff but im scared.

Is it okay to just try it?

I know we will most likely all try it in our lifes?

I dont want it to become an everynight thing so do you think its okay to just try it?




  1. I wont be trying it.  I'm nearly 17, honey, and i've never smoked, or drunk, or yeahhh-ed

    you don't need to give in.  the best way to earn people's respect isn't by giving in to what they want but actually earning it by standing up to them

  2. If you start drinking at 13 - even if it's for one night - you WILL continue to do it for the rest of your life.

    Do you know why the legal drinking age is 21? Because when you're a teenager (ESPECIALLY a 13 year-old), your brain isn't done growing. And it's very easily influenced, most notably by attitude-affecting chemicals...LIKE ALCOHOL. The earlier you start, the better the chance you'll continue it for the rest of your life. And call me lame all you want, but i know this because I got busted on a college campus and had to take an alcohol awareness class (which I had to pay for).

    And everybody thinks they're more mature than their friends at age 13. I know I thought so, and it turned out I was a huge f--king idiot. I'm 20 now and I wish I hadn't done about 90% of the stupid things I did back then. You're an idiot at 13. No offense - it's the truth.

    The same goes for s*x. The fact that you call it "yeah" is just one of the obvious signs that you're not ready.  You probably don't even know how everything works yet.

    Seriously, don't get into stuff like this when you're 13. Jesus, you've still got 7 more years of teenage life to live. BE A KID FOR A LITTLE WHILE. Because everything gets a lot more sh*tty when you get older and have to worry about things like money, college, work, and general RESPONSIBILITY. And you don't want to deal with alcoholism or a baby or an STD on top of all those other things just because you were "curious" when you were 13.

  3. I think that 13 is too young to get drunk. Taste an alcohol drink, sure, but not drink a bunch and get drunk. Boys will have s*x with you against your will if you get drunk around them, so don't do that.

    Smoking is different. You should definitely try smoking. Hopefully becoming a smoker will be enough so that you will be accepted by those kids and won't have to do drugs or drink.
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