
Please help me. how can i get rid of acne quickly?

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i'm going back to school in about 3 weeks. i don't want to have a face full of acne. what is the best way to get rid of acne. without spending too much money.please and thankk you! =)




  1. Never touch your face! Your hands(no matter how many times you scrub them) have oils and dirt on them, if you get it on your face then it will not help.

    Don't try to wash your face a gazillion times a day. Washing your face too much will just make your face dry, which will make your face produce more oils, which equals, more acne!

    Washing your face two times a day should be perfect!

    Use a toner. Avoid those with alcohol because it will wipe out the oil on your face. Afterwards, it will produce more oil and cause more acne just like washing your face too much.

    Washing your hair frequently will help to remove and reduce oils that are found in your hair. This is especially important if your hair is long enough where it frequently touches your face.

    Use a mild soap for sensitive skin but it doesn't matter exactly what type of soap you use. It can be designed for acne-prone skin or not, but you will want to treat your skin gently. Harsh antibacterial soap may actually make your acne worse by irritating skin.

    Remove dead skin cells regularly by exfoliating. Use a gentle scrub with natural defoliants like ground walnut shells, or use an over-the-counter chemical defoliant like salicylic acid or glycolic acid. Adding ground walnut shell to a thick moisturizer like cocoa butter can be effective too. Take caution, because over-ex foliating can actually increase the likelihood of acne by irritating the skin. Pat dry, rather than rubbing, since rubbing can cause irritation to the fresh skin you've just revealed.

  2. You could use the wave!

  3. i use this clearisil cream when i have a pimple [which is rare for me] but it makes it go away in three days,

  4. no idea, i wish i knew.. i'm 23 years old with the face of a 16 year old =S

  5. for acne i recomend you- lemon juice applied in your face

    soak face with *hot* wet towel or paper towel as hot as you can take to open your pores

    Take a lemon from the fridge, squeeze some lemon juice into your skin

    rinse face with cold water

    Within the first few tries you'll notice that it doesnt ''help'' with acne, but completely get's rid of it, and makes your skin look HEALTHY, you really do get this weird ''glow''

    I can't emphasize this enough. FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS, don't use stupid chemichals on your skin, you're skin is something NATURAL, so it only makes sense to use something NATURAL

    ~GOODLUCK ! =)

  6. Try these!

    They are those fake cucumber eye pads.  They are made to help with puffiness and swelling around your eyes,  I found they help with puffiness and redness of pimples.  They are cheap and quite easy to find!  Plus they are made for your face so you dont have to worry about it being to harsh.

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