
Please help me - how exactly are they different?

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How is McCain different from Bush? Is it just that he's MORE of a warmonger? MORE misogynistic? Truly I am confused. Please tell me if Bush has a THIRTY PERCENT approval rating and we elect someone THE SAME AS HIM, how will we recover our country?




  1. How is McCain Misogynistic?  How is is he a warmonger??

    McCain is no perfect man, but I cant see a shred that indicates he is either one of those things.

  2. The DEMOCRAT controlled Congress has a 9% approval rating, but you people are gung ho about electing more Dems....

    So, please, how is electing another DEM as president going to help recover our country?

  3. You should ask about specific policies, otherwise you will just get garbage answers. Of course, no one will respond to policy questions as well.  

  4. Your Not Asking a Question your Venting First of..

    McCain is different because he has constantly in his career has been about change, he even went against his own party lines to get things done, even worked with the other party "Democratic" to sponsored bills, Yes you hear about the 90 or 95% but why not 100%, According to Fact Finder and All Information Obama has voted 100% with party lines and never has worked across the the line?

    McCain is not a War Monger? not sure where you got this, because he has always stated that war should be the last thing, but with Iraq, where in this war, he wants to complete it coirrectly and make sure that the job is done right, get US Out correclty and making sure Iraq's people or safe and secure.

    Bush has the Approval Rating? I don't see John McCain name by that?

    John McCain's Approvaling rating is actually in the High 80% so I would counter that you just are following the Democratic Party Line for that Number?

  5. Warmonger- doesn't want to leave Iraq.

    Misogynistic- doesn't want women to choose for themselves what they do with their bodies.

    They are the same!  McCain is like Bush only smarter.  That makes him worse!!!

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