
Please help me.! i don't know what to do.!!

by  |  earlier

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So much has gone on today that i just don't know what to do.

I broke up with my boyfriend, made him cry, and he almost killed himself while i was talking to him earlier.

I felt so bad about it that i started talking to my friends and they just keep saying that he needs "help"

I don't know what made me do it, maybe it was the fact that he sliced his arm with a knife and almost hit a vein because "he ahd nothing better to do", but i went into my room and i had a blde hidden from a while ago and i cut my arm a few times.

the cuts weren't very long maybe about like that--> ___ <-- that long.

and i bit my thumb as heard as i could, bruised it and could have broke it if i had kept going.

I don't know what to do. My one friend keeps telling me i need to stop hurting myself but its the only way i can get it out.

he suggested stress balls and screaming and punching my pillow but it has to hurt me or it doesn't do anything.

plz help me, what should i do. i can't keep going like this.

and don't say i need to get therepy or something lik that cause its not happening




  1. Punching a pillow or what not wouldn&#039;t be a good thing to do either because you are still aren&#039;t controlling your anger. Check out  On his site it talks all about problems young people are having. You can even post a question that they may directly answer but it may already be answered on his site.

  2. so your being a martyr by hurting yourself? wow! and do you think its cool doing that? im sorry im saying this but what your doing is stupid mehn.. well anyway your only 14 as you grow youll realize that what your doing is stupid!

  3. i feel the same way,,, but im the guy on the situation... i do cut myself but only because my true love stole and broke my heart. i dont kno what to do.. HELP ME PLEASE! I NEED HER BACK OR I WONT BE ABLE TO KEEP ON LIVING!  

  4. stop thinking about a way to get the anger out. Appreciate yourself. Do you deserve to be going through that? Do you really want to be in a relationship like that? about 4 years ago i cut myself also. small but i did over a guy and i would never do that again. its not worth it and dont hurt body. its not going to help and you might make it a habbit. if you really do like him try to get him out of that bad routine. if you dont want to be with him just be honest and hope for the best or try to get him help. try to distract yourself with friends.

  5. Then you don&#039;t really want to be helped if you are refusing help from a therapist or psychiatric doc, who can put you on medication and your boyfriend also, because you sound like you have borderline personality disorder or severe depression and it is virtually impossible to tone down the rage and anger that you feel unless you get treatment and you will need a lot of intense treatment for this type of disorder.  If you are in a mindset that you won&#039;t get treatment and that you think that there is some magical cure out there where you will get better, you are sadly mistaken.  I know people with this disorder who got worse and had to be hospitalized.  Please see someone now and get put on medication and talk to somebody or it will only get worse.  

  6. look at urself in the mirror and scream and if that doesnt work instead of cutting urself write on urself

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