
Please help me!!! i just ate meat...?

by Guest31977  |  earlier

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ok i know this sounds really stupid but ive been a verrry strict vegan now for a while... and today i was having dinner so i was asking the lady who was cooking the spaghetti what was in it... so she said oil, tomato puree, salt n pepper...and i asked her if shes SURE there wasnt any butter at all because im a vegan and she said no..and again i asked her if there was anything non vegan in there like meat or something..she said no again...

anyway while im eating i find this wierd little brown thing that kinda looked like meat so i asked her what was that and she acted like she had totally forgotten about it, and told me very simply that it was meat cuz she cooked the pasta in meat gravy...ewww... anyway i really hated that and im rly frustrated cuz i just dont eat animals..i just dont...

now i feel rly naseous and sick to my stomach... could u please just give me some peace of mind that what i did was not such a bad thing...i didnt mean to eat it, i didnt know.. please help....




  1. its really unfortunately that many resturaunts and chefs dont have any idea what is in their food.

    i am extremely lactose intolerant. I specifically list everything i cannot eat and i am always promised that it does not contain dairy.. yet 90% of the time i get sick.

    i know that's a little different than in your case, but i understand where you're coming from and your frustration. its really hard going to other peoples houses or restuarants and keeping with your diet unless you go someplace specifically vegan or vegetarian.

  2. who would be the judge of it being bad or not?  Other than yourself.  Is there some Vegan court than imprisons bad vegans?  Will the Vegan god strike you dead?  If you accidentally inhale a bug during the night will you be damned forever?  What about all the things that live and die inside your body like the rest of us?  You are making way too big a deal out of this.  It's just a shame someone who really needed the food and would have appreciated it, didn't get to eat your meal.  Stop being so self-absorbed.

    it is quite the luxury to be a vegan.  Many people in the world just hope to get enough food to live through the day.

  3. relax

    you did this without knowledge and did all you could to make sure there shouldnt have been any meat

    its done now

    and you have to think over the next few days that you are cleansing this from your body, and returning to your calm and natural vegan state,

    nothing bad will happen to you but i know its hard to eradicate this from your mind, but you have to

    choose more carefully where you eat in the future


  4. You didn't mean to eat it!  Take some chamomile tea to settle your stomach & relax!   I once ordered vegetable soup at Carrie's Cafe and gross there was meat in it!  I told the waitress that I was vegetarian! When I complained about the meat She told me I should've said something! She acted like she didn't know what a vegetarian is!  I don't eat there anymore!  I think it occurs to every vegetarian or vegan at least once! That's not quitting being vegan or vegetarian  because it was the server's fault not the vegan/vegetarian!

  5. Don't even stress. You didn't know and it won't hurt you. People eat meat everyday.

  6. Ohh i've been there before! You're not alone, I think every veg@n has slipped up once in a while. And don't listen to those who try to make you feel bad. Thats what happpened to me when I asked a question like this. They just like to see people distraught I guess. But you'll be okay, you know it was an accident so don't stress it too much.

  7. i wouldnt worry, i have a strict vegan friend who on holiday had a big mac knowing full well it was meat. it was only a little?! no meat no meal imo, it wont harm you!

  8. It's okay, not a big deal. Everyone messes up, and you didn't even mess up! It was the cook lady who did.

    If you still feel guilty, try doing something good for animals like donating to a cause :)

  9. You sound just like someone that has sinned and is feeling really bad. Then, they ask God to forgive them and they feel good.

    It was not your intention, it was not your fault. I am not vegetarian but I understand you frustration. Just turn the page over and try to forget.

    I hope you feel better.

  10. Your last sentence.  You didn't mean to eat it because you didn't know.  

    You tried to make sure of what you were eating and the lady didn't feel it was really important in my opinion.

    In the future try not to let others cook for you unless you know that they are vegans or that they understand about you being a vegan.

  11. Hey! i don't think you should blame yourself because you didnt know the spaghetti had meat in it! you ate it without knowing it and you are not to be blamed! the one to be blamed is the cook who lied to you. now RELAX! because we all know you didnt eat meat on purpose...and you got worried and felt bad when you ate meat..that in itself proves that are a very committed vegan... so please dont feel guilty...Once again, you are not at please realx!

    and Smile Now!

    Have a Great Day! :D

  12. I know how you feel.. But don't worry, it was a mistake and you are still a vegan. If you ate it on purpose, then that wouldn't be what I call a 'vegan'.

    The meat isn't going to stay in your system forever, you're going to p**p it out ;D hehe. You did not mean to eat it, so you are still a very wonderful healthy animal saving vegan!

    If you are that sad and disgusted by it, try to get it off your mind and eat some vegan foods you have in the house.

  13. OMG!  chill out. You did not mean to eat that stuff. You were tricked.  You asked and were told that it did not have meat or whatever. I think you will be fine.  Just a little shaken up. You will not die.  Say a few Hail mary's and go to bed.  We forgive you

  14. It was an accident.  Accidents happen.  It's great that you're so dedicated and you care so much.  Just try not to worry about it too much, and be even more careful in the future.


    To Jautomatic, who said,"it is quite the luxury to be a vegan. Many people in 'the world just hope to get enough food to live through the day" - You should realize if everyone were vegan there would be a whole lot more food to go around.

  15. Chill, it's okay! It's not your fault. You weren't copping out on your vegan diet, you were just eating your dinner like everone else.

    I'm sorry this happened to you, and I know the feeling after you eat meat for the first time. It'll go away, don't worry. Try to forgive yourself for this.

  16. you ate it without the knowledge of what exactly you were you eating. not your fault so stop blaming yourself.

  17. Don't beat yourself up about it. It's not your fault. She deceived you. Just be less trusting and maybe take a greater hand in preparing your own meals from now on.

  18. If one didn’t approve of certain pork farming practices, one would not then refuse at a dinner party at someone else’s house to eat a stew because it had been cooked in the same pot as some beef mince. One would not read the label of a packet of ice cream to see if there were “non-dairy fat” in it, nor look at the label of some jam to see if gelatin has been used. That people go to these wild extremes is proof that their behaviour is religious in nature, and not rational.

    I ever came across with many incidences of accidental mixed up meat in the soup. I just put aside that small peace and continued eating. For your case is not such deliberated or intentional. God knows your intention therefore your should not feel sorry for eating unintentionally. Be calm!

  19. There is nothing to worry about it.Just relax and don worry at all.This wasnt your miatake.So dont think that god will punish you .The real reason that Iam answering your questionis that I love you.My email id is

  20. Im sorry.

    Relax for now.

    its over.

    its really not that bad.

    your going to feel bad, but trust me, more imporant things in life.

    it was just one little peice.

    just be happy that is wasnt a HUGE one.

    next time be more careful, and ask before you eat:)

  21. it doesnt count. plain and simple. you didnt know. its not your fault. now, if you continued to eat it after being told then its a different story.

  22. You Should drink Water and eat an Orange.

    They will mellow you tummy :]

    & GROSS Who Puts Meat Gravy in Pasta's?

    Well Hope you will better

  23. I completely understand how you feel! My fiance's grandma knows I don't eat meat and made this really awesome broccoli salad one time so I ate a ton of it! The next time she made it for fourth of july it tasted different and I asked her why and she says


    not even bacos. not soy bacon chips. real bacon.

    I threw up. But it still made me feel like a horrible person.

    I think it's probably happened to every vegetarian/vegan at least once, because the people that are making out food just don't understand. They should be the ones feeling the guilt, not you!

    You'll be ok hon, the next cow you save from slaughter will not hold this one thing against you.

  24. You will be fine and since you asked the lady about it, you should tell her she should be ashamed of herself serving that KNOWIING you were Vegan!!! ARGH!!!

    It wasn't your fault, it was Hers and only Hers!!

  25. You will be fine.

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