
Please help me if you can?

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last night i had my hampster running around my room with the door closed and i went in there to get something on my way out i sarted to close the door when i here this horrible noise and i look down and my hampsters head was in the little space were the door henges were and i ran to go get my dad and the hampsters is still alive but i think it suffers from brain damage and i dont know if it will recover it just lays down and when it walks it walks in circles and do you think i should put it out of its misery or should i keep it alive




  1. I'm so sorry to hear that I would put it down. You don't want to make it suffer so be the adult and give the poor thing a break.

    You should defiantly take it to the vet though. Before you make any rash decisions.

  2. why havent you taken it to the vet???

    I would take it to the vet and if needed have him/her put it to sleep.  you may have injured the muscles which could possible heal or you could have broken its neck. if thats the case is will eventually swell and cause alot of pain before it dies. and yes you can break your neck and still live and move. aslong as its not totally severed.

      take it to the vet...

  3. aaawwww

    I'm afriaid i reckon you could put it out its misery, its seems to be in a lot of pain !!

    Im really sorry!!!

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