
Please help me im at my last straw ! family curse !?

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im 13, most teenagers are okay but im not. i could swear that something is wrong wth my family! i think we are cursed! at the start of this year my dad had a brain tumor, this was back in january. then in february my cat had severe kindey malfunction. then in march my aunt gets depression, april my mum came down with ITP ( VERY low platelet count) and nearly died. june uncle has problem with brain and is (text book case with no cure) july cat sufferes again with kidney failure but worse.

now i dunno bout this but this is VERY strange. it is working through my family. will something happen to me??

also what shoudl i do, im at the last straw with my dad. i no he is ill but i just cry cause i cant do nuthin. hes like paralysed even tho he has had the all clear. i dont know i just feel angry cause hes always bugging me and telling me yu cant go out with ur friends cause i dont feel gd! even tho my mum is there. wot should i do and is it rite to feel that way?




  1. Dude, email me at ESPIKEYREY@YAHOO.COM. We have to plan this all out! Maybe there is a curse. You never kno. Or its maybe just a test. For the mean time, pray REALLY HARD! Maybe your dad thinks theres a curse and doesnt want you to get jumped or shot etc etc.... But, yeah, honestly, dont hesitate to email me. And if you dont know what to say, jus tell me who you are, cuz i mite not remember that. But email me. Like on your actual email. Dont do the yahoo answers email. Email me directly. I find it easier that way. But talk to me tho. I can help you out, and possibly help you understand whats goin on.... lol. But dont hesittate tho.... K?

  2. first off - take a deep breath, sweet heart.  Its going to work out.  Now - chances of this being an actual curse - very, very low.  If you've been paying attention, its one of those years.  You'll find that a lot of people you know are going through surprisingly hard times this year and that nations as a whole are too.  Its been a four or seven year cycle - I'm not sure which and the good news is that we're almost through it.  But its hard, especially here at the end.

    I'm sorry to hear about all the rough stuff you've been going through - its hard at any age to deal with such a heap of stuff but particularly at such a young age where you've got so much going on with yourself too.  Please believe me when I say things won't stay this way forever.  Things will get better.  I think if you look you can trace several of the problems to the same root.  Your aunt fell into depression possibly because, amoung other things, people she loves are going through hard times and she doesn't know how to deal with it.  You're mum could have not been taking care of herself she was so busy taking care of your dad and it aggravated a problem that had been only mild up to that point (lack of eating right, sleeping right, high stress, etc.).  The cat - well, pet's get sick and if its a kidney problem its going to be reoccurring.  Things tend to fall like dominoes when something really big goes wrong - all the other things seem to fall at the same time but its mostly because a great deal is linked together.  Be smart, take care of yourself as much as you're able and nothing is going to happen to you.  Its not a curse - its just a really rough year.  I'm sorry you have to go through it but go through it to get to the other side you must.

    You will.

    As for your father - its hard.  he's dealing with a situation he probably hates and there are any number of reasons he could want to keep you near him.  Its quite possible he's not able to see things objectively considering what he's fighting through himself and it may be hard for him to see things from your point of view.  I don't know what your family situation is like but you need to talk to your mom - not to complain but to figure out how the two of you can work something out, come up with a plan, that works for everyone.  They need you more than parents usually need their child at your age but there's got to be a balance that suits everyone.  You just have to figure it out between the two or three of you.  You're going to have to carry a lot more than most kids your age and grow up quicker but if you handle it wisely, it won't hurt so bad.  Also is there anyone else you can talk to?  A school councilor, a pastor or youth minister, one of your friend's parents, a family member that's not your immediate family?  You need adults to come up along side you and help you with this.  Its far too heavy too carry on your own.  You need God, to deepen your walk with Jesus and you need friends or family that can support you during this fight.  You'll make it through on the other side and your father will adjust - the human brain is an amazing thing and they're making advances in treating damage to it every day.  Make sure you find a quiet time for yourself each day, time to recharge and rest.  Find something that makes you happy - a hobby or something that lets you lose yourself in doing something you enjoy for a little while and forget the rest of the world.  And get a support system for yourself.  Its perfectly normal to feel angry and frustrated and scared and uncertain.  Go ahead and feel them - and then let it go.  Stand strong, you'll make it through to the other side.  God bless, you're in my prayers.

  3. Read jole osten or watch him on tv on ABC because it has some thing in there like that. Ur famly is passing it down but you can stop it say im not going to get sick im gonna stop this sickness in my famly im gonna make a difrents so my grand kids and my kids can live with out having to put up with this im gonna live life not being sick.

    Story from jole osten book.

    Okay theres this boy and he cant wait untill preschool and so when he got there he had tons of fun but then as he got older then he would start thinking that his mom would not come pick him up after preschool. And some times he would get so upset and cry and cry that his mom or dad would just take him back home.

    Soon the parents got worried

    and called the boys gandpa

    they told him what the boy was doing and how he was scared that they would not come pick him up and the gamdpa said that it must have came from him because his father died when he was about that age and he was scared that his mom would die while he was in preschool.

    See how things can be passed on

    you need to say that ur gonna live life healthy!

  4. awwww...its maybe jsut the jeans! but be supportive of your dad... you never know what you have until tis gone...

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