
Please help me im bleeding!!!?

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i was cutting chesse in my kitchen. then i slit my finger a little. first i ran over to the sink and put in under the water.and let it be under the water for a couple seconds.then i put it in paper towels. now im just letting it bleed into the towel. what do i do t make it stop? i t don a big cut. its like 4 centimeters long at the most. but i don't know what to do.i dont have to go get stiches do i. its starting to slow down.




  1. take a rubber band or some string and put it tight on your finger about 1cm below the cut. It will not completely cut circulation off but it wll slow it down. Leave it there for maybe 4mins and keep the bandage on it. You'll be ok. There's a lot of blood circultion in your limbs, esp. fingers so it's common for it to bleed a lot.

  2. Just put direct pressure on it, it should stop. You mentioned it's already slowing down, and no, you shouldn't have to get stitches for that.

  3. Keep putting the pressure on it. Also keep it elevated above heart level. That should slow down the bleeding. Don't take any motrin or aspirin. It will only make the bleeding worse. If it doesn't stop after a little while you may need to get it looked at, (stitches) depending on how deep it is. Good luck.

  4. if it doesn't stop go to the hospital...or even call your reg doctor first...they have a glue they can use rather than stitches if it is small enough.

  5. It's Thursday August 28 and Andrew J just cut his finger.

    "s**+* I cut my finger wide open" /looks around for a towel/ "ok I got a I have to get on Yahoo Answers quick to find out what to do next" lol

  6. Just keep pressure on it should stop soon . There is no need to worry about it .

  7. KEEP PRESSURE on it...steady...(don't keep looking at it)...

    Once it has slowed down..wash it GENTLY with soap and water...and put an antiseptic cream or ointment on it and a band-aid...

    Keep it OUT of your mouth!!!! (Your mouth is FULL of germs...and you aren't loosing enough blood to worry about "putting it back"...besides, it would all just go to your stomach anyway...)...

    If it is still bleeding profusely (A lot) after an hour or so, then, see your Dr...

    With this type of cut, you are unlikely to "bleed to death"...

  8. Take your finger out of your mouth!  That's a great way to infect yourself!

    Put pressure on the cut, keep it elevated above your heart, and when it slows down enough, wash with soap and water to get rid of the germs from the cut and your mouth.  That will start the bleeding again so be ready with more toweling for direct pressure.

    Make sure, once the bleeding stops that you wet the towel so it won't stick to your finger and start the bleeding again.  If you have butterfly bandages in the house, use them to get your finger back together, but if not, put a bandaid on it, reinforce it with some cotton roll, if you have it.

    Once the finger bleed stops, avoid bending that finger or it'll start up again, for at least a few hours.

    Go to the store and get a bottle of betadine solution, unless you have an iodine allergy.  If that's the case, use hydrogen peroxide(per oxide will make bubbles and fizzing if there is infection present)R.  Since you stuck it into your mouth, you 'll need to dunk your finger in the betadine for about four-five days, looking for signs of redness, heat, swelling, discharge and bad smell.  Throw out the betadine after you are finished with it, as the easiest way to soak a finger is to stick it into the bottle and let it stay there for about ten minutes. So get a small bottle of betadine.

    Fingers are pretty good about sticking together, so it's unlikely that you'll need stitches.

    For future cuts, make sure you have butterfly and knuckle bandaids in the house, as well as some sterile cotton rolls, betadine solution in small bottles, and an antibiotic cream of some sort.

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