
Please help me im loosing my pacience with these conure's please help me!!!?????

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i have had a conure for 5 days i reciently got its life long partner 2 days ago.they had been together in there cage at the pet store for 1 1/2 years.they dont like me i seperated them and woorked with them but when they see or hear eachother the trainign goes back to the beggining.if this training dont work soon im giving them to the more experienced or people who like bird just to watch them.please help me what should i do???????????????????????????




  1. Training a bird doesnt happen in days, it takes months if it happens at all. Especially adults. There's a reason those birds hadnt sold in such a long time. They may have never been handled at all. And after 5 days they havent adjusted to their new environment yet.  It takes a lot of patience and a lot of time.

  2. I need more detail on just what aspects of the training you refer to.

    A couple of general things can be found in most any book about parrot training:

    1. Keep the cage at a low level so that the bird is never in a higher position than you are.

    2. Be consistent and persistent!

    3. Use of a "bad box" can be very effective for discouraging "bad" behaviors such as biting.

  3. just keep trying something will probably click and they'll be fine. you can always just get rid of one bird. that will probably get rid of the problem

  4. Gaining a bird's trust can take weeks -- or months... not just a few days!  Especially since they have known only a cage in a pet shop.  Have Patience!  They aren't like puppies! They are birds...  they need time and patience to adjust to their new home, all the new faces and sounds, etc. They are probably scared.

    Back off from trying to touch or hold them or reaching into their cage to get them out.

    Spend 15 or 20 minutes (a few times a day)  just sitting next to their cage, talking quietly to them, maybe touching their toes if they are sticking out of the cage, feeding them tiny 'treats' like a nut or a seed, give them time to TRUST you....

    Call the pet store where you got them and ask if they handled the birds much.  They *may not be hand trained at all*.  Most pet stores will lie about that, so don't believe it straight off the bat, anyhow.

    If you aren't ready to devote the time to gain their trust and friendship, then these birds weren't the right choice for you.

    Even the sweetest, tamest bird or parrot needs time to adjust to a new owner and new home.  Do you have other pets in the house that may make them nervous?  Are they in an area of your home that is quiet enough at night?  Are you covering their cage at night so they feel safe and secure?

    Don't leave birds in the pitch dark at night... a small night light in the room or area is best, even if the cage is covered with a sheet...

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