
Please help me in finding a unique topic topic for my environmental project.......?

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i have to make an environmental project of more than 20 pages.

plz suggest me some unique topic so i can write about it.

the best topics will be selected as the best answer by me.





  1. Why dont you try for Effect of pollution on marine life ?

    Ground water sucking by Companies

    Electric wastages of IT companies.........

  2. try something related to meltin of ice caps in polar regions

  3. Check out

    They do tons of environmental projects and you may find an interesting one to write about!  Good luck!

  4. Write about the endangered whales.

  5. The hottest topic of the hour- hike in petrol price.

    You can Choose

    Depletion of non renewable resources.

    Need for using renewable resources

    Pollution and its kinds

    Plastic-The slow poison.

  6. Write about the United Arab Emerites and the strides they have made in green, sustainable community planning. It's amazing.

    Masdar City in Abu Dhabi is absolutely fascinating!

    Also, check out Dubai.

    Also, check out YouTube for good videos of these places.

    Google them.

  7. Work on use of 'cowdung 'as insecticide and pesticide in rural India.

  8. Clean Water Act see this project if you interset

  9. Desertification


    Urbanized rivers

    Urban sprawl / suburbanization

    Select one endangered species and discuss it's importance to the ecosystem

    Wildfires and fire management (be sure to include the pro side - like some species of trees won't germinate without fire)

    Human Waste - plastic shopping bags and/or water bottles

    Mono cropping / Plantations

    Bio fuels

    Impact of globalization

    green marketing / certifications (like USDA Organic, FSC Wood, etc.)

  10. future fule

  11. Diesel obtained from petroleum when burnt produces harmful gases which are detritorious to nature.But ethanol blended diesel substatially incraeses the octane ratin and reduces emission of unburnt hydrocarbon,CO,Sulphates,polycyclic hydrocarbons and particulate matter.scientist belive that using a blend of 20% ethanol-diesel mixture reduces CO emission by 15%.

    You can search the web for more details there are a lot of resources.

  12. hi Abhinandan,

    I can suggest 'Sodium laurethe Sulphates' populary called SLS.

    It is a detergent which is found in all the cleaning cosmetics like the toothpastes, soaps, shampoos, washing powders. It causes serious health diseases like cancer, still its use is not banned.

    I think it will be an unique and intersting project.

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