I have been having dreams like this for a little while now. I don't really understand it. Last night I had a dream that my boyfriend and I went to look at a home to buy, but when we got there the house had an eerie feeling to it and had strange, narrow stairs to small upstairs rooms we did not like. The house had a haunted feel to it. Then we went outside, where we saw a beautiful beach. We tried to walk along the water, but soon the waves got too violently large and carried him away. When I found him again he was with another woman, and they were obviously attracted to each other. He ignored me as I tried to call his name, again and again. The next part I can remember was him meeting my friends from Dayton (I moved here 6 years ago, he has never met them) but hes wearing a silly clown costume and refuses to take it off. I get very frustrated and we get into a fight before he announces that he no longer loves me and has found someone else.
It doesn't make any sense because my boyfriend shows no signs of ever behaving this way. These dreams are very unsettling. Just last night he told me how much he loves me and that he sees himself spending the rest of his life with me. I actually think he might propose. Could that be why I'm having these dreams? Please tell me what you think it is. Thanks!