
Please help me my cat puked in my living room last night?

by  |  earlier

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I already cleaned the puke up and there is no stain, but what I am worried about is the germs left behind. I cleaned it first with a sponge and clothes detergent, oxy clean, and then I used our carpet cleaner with hot water and vinegar. I am thinking about just having the carpet and padding pulled up and new put down but I would rather just sanitize the whole room what can I do.


btw I almost puked myself cause it smelled like a horse had took a dump in the room.






  1. You have thoroughly cleaned the carpet....don't sweat the small stuff.  The steam cleaning killed any bacterial type germs.  If you knew how many germs are in the carpet before the cat puked, you would not be stressing so much.

  2. with everything you used to clean it, you don't have to worry about germs being left behind. unless your cat has an infection, the only thing he/she would up-chuck is harmless bacteria. don't worry about it.

    my cat throws up regulary b/c she's so particular about food and environment. even when there was an infection, i never got sick from her.

    also, the smell comes from any food and acid that was in the stomach. some foods smell worse than others when they come back up. ;)

  3. I think you've done enough to sanitize the area...if you want to do a diluted bleach solution with hot water and wipe the area, that'll kill 99.9% of germs...but beware of bleaching out your carpet...or you can just rub with alcohol...

  4. Umm, cats puke.  They get hair balls and thats what they do.  I think you went a little overboard there.  Rip up the carpet??!!

    Are you nuts?  It's just a little puke.  Wipe it up and be done.  If you can't handle a little cat puke then get rid of the cat.  What do you do with the cat litter?!!  What if he pooped on the carpet, would you move out?  LOL

  5. you did the over-cleaning right there so i dont think there is anything else there still but if you are still paranoid then change the carpet.

  6. OMG. You've already cleaned it up, shampooed the carpet with hot water and vinegar, and it's still not good enough for you? It's called OCD. You already cleaned up the mess, yet you're still freaking out about it. Call a shrink. Sounds like you may need one. If you can't handle the fact that cats have hairballs and will puke them up, you need to NOT be an animal owner.

  7. lol instead of worrying about the carpet i'd worry about you this happens to everybody with pets don't take it so seriously the point is that the stain is gone just chill

  8. eeeeeeewww....ya get a new cat

  9. You might want to try something like Fabreeze spray or If you can find it fabreeze laundry detergent on the stain area.  You could also try something like Urine begone or Stains are out.

    or something with a citrus base like Oust spray.

  10. Don't change your carpet because your cat might just do it again.  Does the room still smell bad?  If not, then you cleaned it up just fine and don't worry about germs.  If you are still worried about germs, buy a can of Lisol.  It kills 99.8% of germs when it is sprayed directly on the area.  If the area still smells, rent or buy a carpet shampooer and get to work!  That's the cheapest way.  Shampoo the carpets, scrub the walls with bleach and water (it won't ruin the paint) 1 part beach-2parts water, and use a disinfectant to wipe down everything in the room.  Good Luck!

  11. Call the carpet cleaners

  12. lmao... lol... lol...

    You shouldn't have a cat if you have microphobia. hahahahahahahahahahaha

    pull up the carpet and put in tile!

  13. sounds like to me you OVER cleaned

    im sure you'll be fine with that

    and also cats puke very often so if you don't mind doing all that work every time they puke then im sure thats fine

  14. shoot the cat

  15. There's no point in worrying about it.  You cleaned it.  Be done with it.  The germs left behind won't hurt you if you don't suck on the carpet fibers and there's a good chance they wouldn't hurt you even if you did.

  16. Um chill out... you did more than enough to clean and sanitize it.  If you freak out that badly over puke, maybe you shouldnt own a cat... cats PUKE... get used to it!

  17. Let's get paranoid about cat vomit!

    No, seriously.  I have a cat that pukes all the time.  There's no germs left behind if you cleaned it thoroughly.

    Don't get the entire carpet replaced for this.  It's more expensive than it's worth.


  19. Don't use bleach. Get a product called simple solution. They have it at petsmart. works great on smells germs and stains.

    I know I have 4 dogs & 2 cats.

  20. They make several carpet cleaning stuff for that. Just look on the thing to see if it will not only kill the smell but germs as well. It is better than changing your carpet because what if the cat pukes on the new one?

  21. did you use bleach?

  22. haha horse poo.

    Don't use bleach.  This is silly, yoru carpet will turn white.  If you haven't tried it, try Folex carpet cleaner, it works wonderfully.  If that doesn't work, yes, you may have to replace that area of carpet or hire a proffessional.

    For future reference, cold water with NO chemicals should be used first on these sorts of things.  After that, chemical away.  The chemicals can hold in the smell or stain and of coruse warm water helps to set stains in...

  23. chill.

  24. Whenever my cat throws up, I use Unbelievable and it works wonders.

    cat puke=disgusting

  25. Ummm just use lysol or something. I think u've pretty much sanitized it ..... ur not going to die

  26. You are too uptight.  You aren't eating off the rug.  You cleaned it up.  That is good enough.

  27. Get a new cat.

  28. germaphobe much..

    theres no germs in the puke that you cannot handle

    all of the bacteria in teh puke is just digestive bacteria, the same bacteria in your stomach

    dont worry about it

    not please dont freak now that you know there bacteria in your stomach.

  29. Wow, some people are a s s h o l e s and immature f*****k t a r d s.

    Why don't you hire Stanley Steamers?

    Or use a steam vacuum..

    They have wonderful products at Lowe's and Home Depot for Pet.. Excrements!

    Hope this helps.

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