
Please help me my friend is staying the night an my mom is gonna do something terrible?

by Guest62648  |  earlier

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ummmm well i wet the bed and my mom makes me wear diapers and she treats me like a total baby i have to sit in a car seat i get time out my nose gets put in the corner and some times she even makes me sleep in a crib her excuse is so i dont sleep walk and leave the house but anyway i have a friend staying the night and she is already at my house and cant go home but my mom is treating her like a baby too what do i do and how do i stop this please help and quick!!!!




  1. Your mom needs major help if you are old enough to use the computer on your own and spell as well as you do. Tell her ENOUGH! get her a kitten or puppy to baby.

  2. troll

  3. Well i would asume that u are about ten,   and it is wrong of her to keep making u wear dipers and sleep in a crib.  tell her u are growing up and would appreciate a little more freedom. as for ur bed weting.  i think u need to start going to the bathroom before u go to bed, and maybe even set a watch to wake u up a few times in the night to use the bathroom.  

  4. ok first thing, obviously you are old enough to know how to spell and use the computer..

    secondly i would be taking your mum up to the mental institution and leaving her there!!!!

  5. talk to your mom... and THANKZ

  6. c**k coo mumma!

    put her in the crib!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. you should tell your mom your not a baby anymore & that she needs to realize your growing up.

  8. what the h*ll?!? if you are 13 how do you even fit in a crib?!!? i don't beleive you. but if you are telling the truth than your mom desevrves to be put away for good

  9. This is a fifty-year-old man with a diaper fetish.

  10. If your wetting the bed past the age of 6 it is safe to assume their is a medical problem. Therefor you should have gone to a doctor about it. If your mother refuses to take you to a doctor it is neglect.

  11. How old are you? If you are old enough to know how to type and spell then your mom is totally wrong. Tell her that, Great name by the way!

  12. your 13 years old. i bet you dont fit in a crib, or fit in a car seat. how about get a life and stop trying to fool people. your a l ier and noone like liers

  13. how old are u ?!?

  14. How old are you and just tell her that this is not right and you dont want to be treated like a baby anymore and that she cant keep trying to keep you this way forever because your going to grow up sooner or later.

  15. i dont know

  16. just hit her across the face.

    then call child services and get her arrested.

    send your friend home.

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