
Please help me my lover keeps on collapsing?

by  |  earlier

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my lover keeps on collapsing and has spells of random dizziness:(

She's the best thing that ever happened to me and i just want her to be ok. She has taken a blood tests but doctors lost it, and they havent even bothered to diagnose her, they just dismiss it as dehydration even though she continously drinks water.

She collapsed again today, she eats well and drinks normally and i dont know whats wrong. What could it be? please help!




  1. it could be low blood pressure try and get to another doctor, one who cares to follow through on results, does she go pale in the face when this happens and a fast pulse or heart beat this is another sign of blood pressure

  2. Hiya,

    It depends if she is just falling to the floor or actually blacking out and falling to the floor.

    There can be a big difference between the causes.

    If she blacks out, that is the brains doing, and there must be a trigger somewhere.

    If you are not happy with your Doctor next time it happens take her  to the A&E, even if she has recovered, and let them sort it out for her.


  3. Hi kay,

           It shows that she has some kind of problem with her ability to stand for long time. When the doctors has lost the blood report why dint you take her again to another doctor and have a blood test again? Please take her to a good doctor who can diagnose her properly and gives out a perfect reason. As you need her it is you who have to work hard all over the life to get her with perfect health conditions. There could be chances like she is having Low Blood Pressure due to which she might be collapsing. So please dont delay in taking her to a doctor and getting a good treatment.

    Is that understood Mr.Kay...

    ur friend forever

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