
Please help me. my mom is too frugal...

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how can i tell her nicely or suggest something different without hurting her feelings. she is really super big on respect. it is kind of getting out of hand. i am not trying to be rude. if you could help me that would be great. thanks a million!




  1. By definition, frugality can be a great thing (see wiki source below). "Too frugal" can mean a  lot of things. It would help to have a few more specifics about here habits.

    I personally know a young man who became a millionaire living a frugal life. His story is amazing. Another woman wrote a book (The Complete Tightwad Gazette - see Amazon source below) about being frugal (she was over the top) and their family bought a house in CASH off of one income (her husband's).

    The point is, we're living in a difficult economic time, and I'm not sure it's possible to be "too frugal."

    Instead of "telling her nicely" that she's frugal or "suggesting something different," how about asking her why she's so frugal. That sounds less like a judgment and you may learn a lot from her answer. Having a respectful conversation will open the door for you to inject your ideas without appearing rude or ungrateful.

    Good luck! If you can, come back and tell us how things go. :-)

  2. You didn't really give us enough info. Is the reason she doesn't spend maybe the money isn't there to spend??  Some parents do not share money problems with their kids.

  3. tell her she cant take all the money to grave. so spend and be happy. if she cant, then you earn your own money and spend it.

  4. Try to sit her down and talk to her. Tell her you want to have a open discussion with her and you just want to be honset. Tell her you don't want to hurt her feelings but.... After give her a hug and tell her you love her. But you can't keep this inside of you because if you do it will just cause hard feeling between you and her! Best of luck to you Hun!!!!

  5. There really is no such thing as being too frugal. Considering the economic times we live in, you might learn something from what your mother is doing.

    However, there is a fine line between being frugal and stingy. Basically, stinginess entails saving money at the expense of others.

    You need to evaluate your mother's behavior and determine if she is being frugal or stingy. If she is being stingy, you need to be able to demonstrate how her actions actually hurt others.

  6. what do you need to suggest something different about???  did she buy you something you don't really like?

    more details please! :)

  7. "with all do respect mom..."

    in a nice calm tone

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