Is anyone else having this issue? The entire wedding planning process over the last 8 months, I have tried to discuss the details of the wedding with him. He is the ultimate procrastinator with everything and always says "We'll figure it out later...". Well, it is later, we are getting married in exactly two weeks. Now I am trying to finalize things and he keeps suggesting new ideas or saying "Wait, I thought we were doing this.." about something we have never even spoken about before (like the bar service, see previous question). I am getting so frustrated! I finally blew up and told him he needs to talk to the coordinator directly about his "new ideas" because I have been doing things the entire time and I don't have the patience for him to get in the game in the 4th quarter! Did anyone else have this issue? I love him but I'm going to go crazy!!
BTB 8/21/08- In Two Weeks!