Tomorrow, I have an appt about my meds. I'm currently taking: wellbutrin (anti-depressant), paxil (for anxiety) & enpresse (birth control for irregular periods).
Well, the birth control has caused me to gain 10 llbs. & counting. I just started my second pack.
I'm extemely sleepy & unmotivated. I feel sad at times but not like w/o any meds. My anxiety has calmed down a lot; I was driving myself crazy. I also have a mild case of OCD.
My 1st period on bc was nice. There was a lot less pain & a lighter period. The weight gain is a problem however b/c that's 10 lbs. in a month with me walking for excercise.
I'm a 21 y/o old female.
I also have acne.
What about Yasmin(?) or something else what about my mental meds? Thanks!
29 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.
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27 minutes ago
Also, dies the pill really help with breast enlargement?