
Please help me organize locker???

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I'm in seventh grade, but I need help organizing my locker. I bought a locker shelf from Office Depot, but I can't put binders and stuff in the bottom. My locker is about 5 1/2 feet tall, about 1 foot deep, and about 1 inch wide. I need to fit:

3 Two inch binders

1 One inch binder

7 folders

3 Big Textbooks

1 Clothes for After School Sports

Remember, I can't fit any 2 inch binders in the bottom shelf.

Suggestions please.... Thanks!!!=)




  1. put all the blue stuff on the left. the round things on the right. the things that make noise in the back and the tangible stuff in the middle.

  2. I am trying to visualize the dimensions.  1 inch wide?  Is that correct, rather to thin to fit anything.

    If the bottom can't fit the binders, place your smaller items down there, like your clothes which you can fold.  Place your larger items on top.  Again, I am guessing the dimensions.  If you can, return the locker shelf to the store and exchange for one that will fit your needs.  Think Tetris, make it fit.  ;-)

  3. well i saw this locker organizer at a cvc store.  it was a organizer where u can put on the inside part of where the locket opens. it had like 10 departments where u can put ur books and clothes n stuff.  

  4. i had tha same problem. wat u do is

    -put tha binders,and text books on tha shelf

    -put tha folders under the shelf

    -and ask ur last period teacher if u can keep ur bag in their room until the end  of school.

    hope this helps


  5. Put the shelf on the bottom of your locker. Put the textbooks below the shelf with the folders. the binders on top of the shelf (lay them down). and the clothes in your backpack

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