
Please help me out? 10.0 grams of water would produce what volume?

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The electrolysis of 10.0 grams of water would produce what volumes in dm3 of O2 and H2 at STP? Give each electrode reaction.




  1. At 1 atm press and 25 deg centigrade 1gm of water = 1ml of water = 1cc of water

    So, 10 gms of water = 10 ml of water = 10 cm3

    1 dm3 = 1000 cm3

    so, 10cm3 = 0.01 dm3

    H2+O2= 2H20

  2. 10.0 g H2O = 0.556 moles

    2H2O --> 2H2(g) + O2(g)

    You get 0.556 moles of H2 which is 12.4 L at STP since 1 mol = 22.4 L.  And you get half that volume of O2 because you get half as many moles of O2, or 6.2 L of O2.

    This is the kind of problem I have my students do without a calculator, in their heads, while standing beside their desk.  Except I would told them that it was 9.0 grams of water, to make the mental math even easier.

  3. Cathode:  4H+(aq) + 4e- ==>  2H2(g)

    Anode :  2H2O(l) ==>  O2(g) + 4H+(aq) + 4e-


    Net rxn: 2H2O(l) ==>  2H2(g) + O2(g)

    10.0 g H2O x (1 mole H2O / 18.0 g H2O)

    x (2 moles H2 / 2 moles H2O) x (22.4 L H2 / 1 mole H2 at STP) = 12.4 L H2 = 12.4 dm^3 H2

    10.0 g H2O x (1 mole H2O / 18.0 g H2O)

    x (1 moles O2 / 2 moles H2O) x (22.4 L O2 / 1 mole O2 at STP) = 6.2 L O2 = 6.2 dm^3 O2

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