
Please help me out by answering this......?

by Guest56319  |  earlier

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.....My daughter has turned 12, a month before. She is suffering from small pox (chicken po x) from the 4th or 6th of febraury.....she has not gone to school from 7th feb till now......her pox hav turned brown into those brown caps......but some caps on her face are not going....even there enough on her body, which arent going......the school says she will be alowed to school only when her brown caps are gone.....I am worried for when will they go....Even my daughter wants to go school but she cant........Is there any way (natural)to make the caps go as soon as possible??If yes, then please answer me and give me the way...I am also going to consult the doctor today......

......................................... faithfully.................................




  1. Only sure fire thing is time. Sunlight helps, so does swimming in a chlorinated pool, but your talking maybe a day or so faster at most. If your really concerned she's falling behind, get her a tudor and start catching up now.

  2. umm...u said small pox (chicken pox)

    which one is it? HUGE difference

  3. I was in the same situation a few years ago with work, i wne to a herbal expert how lives down my road and she told me that applying mustard (french) to the caps 3 times a day would cause them to fall off.... i didnt believe her but tried it anyway and after 4 days they had completely done  :)

  4. There is a big difference between small pox and chicken pox.

    I think you're best bet is seeing your doctor. I know of no other way to hurry the brown caps along to healing other then time. Sorry about that.

  5. I don't know what the school is on about, once they have scabbed over they is not contagious anymore. They will dissapear, just apply calamine lotion and get her not to scratch

  6. When i was little and had them I went in the sea and that night they all same off. It naturally dries tham out.

  7. Actually James' remedy does work. When my 10 year old had the chicken pox and got those, mustard really did work. You could also try calamine lotion, but that just takes longer to do. Have her take lots of baths, perferbly with bubbles. But that is all you can really do. Talk with the doctor too and see what s/he reccomends. Good luck!

  8. Your doing the best possible thing by going to the doctor today. They should have better answers for then we can give.

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