
Please help me out regarding rejection from a woman?

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The woman that i was attracted to and loved a lot finally told me today that she was never attracted to me in the first place and that nothing can happen between the two of us.I feel depressed....How do I overcome this gut wrenching feeling?




  1. Give it time. It will heal. I understand it's hard now, but it will get better over time, especially if you meet someone else. You gotta remind yourself that you deserve to be with someone who wants to be with you also. Rejection in general is hard to take in any form, but try not to focus on it too much and keep yourself busy with things that you enjoy doing. You'll think about it less and less, and before you know it, it won't be an issue anymore. Just hang in there until then!

  2. Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia worked for me the last time I had my heart broken, but for every person its differnet and you'll get through it I promise and the right girl will come along :)

  3. awww thats so sad =[

    well you should try to keep your mind off it

    you cant change how she feels so dont

    stay hung up on it! it always helps me to jus

    talk to other people =] getting to know

    someone else might help alot =]

  4. Accept what she told you and move on.  Try to find another interest.  Keep yourself and your mind busy with things other than thoughts of her.

  5. Move on.

    Next time don't sink so much time and effort into a woman who is not giving you indications that she views you as more then a nice guy.

    Stop trying to be friends first and 'win' them.  It doesn't work like that.  Women either want you for who you are or they don't.

  6. Umm yeah, if that girl said that without no reason, she's an ****. You're a lot better off without her and look on the bright side, there are plenty more fish in the sea, ones with a heart!

  7. I know that is hard, but u need to try to get over it, try not to think about her and try to do things that u used to enjoy before she came to your life. Like I said is not easy but if you don let her out of your heart in the long time you are going to be the affected, since she didn’t never feel something for you she probably would not suffer at all but you will do, the best thing to do is forget and move on with your live...

  8. Indulge yourself in Sports. :) This way you can concentrate on other things.. You might be rejected by that woman but it is not yet the end of the world. Might as well do something more productive rather than being depressed.

  9. you have to move on try keeping youselk busy so you dont have the time to think about dont go to palces were you will see her...i dodnt mean completely stop just dont go the time she might be around....

  10. Find another piece of a ss. There's plenty out there dude! Be glad she's not stringing you along like a ton of cruel b itches out there would do.

  11. Nothing but time will heal that hurt. All you can tell yourself is that she wasn't the girl for you. You'll find that special someone when the time is right...and she'll make this one look like child's play! All the best!

  12. find someone new who appreciates you...Think of horoscope compatibility

  13. I know how you feel it happens to me all the time and your heart hurts allot the best way to ignore this feeling is to go out and play sports that will keep your brain occupied and remember that you can not force love so don't make any more efforts if she dosnt want you  

  14. Hey, don't forget how many people per day have this said to them, And don't forget that it is better to know now rather than later when you would be even more hurt. And finally, it really is true that there is more fish in the of them will be attracted to you! :-)

  15. find a new girl until then it's going to suck my friend

  16. I agree with the first comment, you can't win over a woman, it's like when women say but I can change him, you can't that's truth of it. You obviously fell too deeply for a woman who never wanted you and that's hard to take. Pick yourself up and go out there and fins someone else, but this time take it slower don't invest all your feelings so quickly.  

  17. what do you look like

  18. It sucks. It hurts. Move on find another girl. There are a lot of great girls out there.

  19. You can be glad she at least told you and did not abuse you emotionally.  Rejection is a part of life and you should not take it personal.  I guarantee you there are females that like you and you do not like them - alas "you rejected them".  Now if she said this they way you just quoted, then I do find her a bit mean spirited because if I have to let a guy know I am not attracted to him, I try my best to do it as kindly as possible, no need to intentionally hurt someones feelings. You will meet someone else and be glad you did and you will also reject someone and please be kind about it... okay?  

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