
Please help me..........?

by Guest67046  |  earlier

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Can you make some suggestions?

I don't have any friends & I'm tired of people making fun of me. I tried to get honest opinions by asking for help for my "friend" but that didn't work b/c people thought it was disrespectful to post my friend's pic w/o their knowledge. Please tell me the truth & what I can do so kids stop making fun of me & I feel good about myself.




  1. hmm.. You are so sincere..

    Well you like a normal girl to me too.But I would advise you to use some face cleaning lotions and moisturisers and such to get rid of the skin imperfections.

    and smile smile smile..

    and dont give a f... to the ones who are making fun of you,there must be somebody who's thinking/behaving like you.

  2. I feel so bad for you. This is going to sounds really mean of me. But I can probably understand why they make fun of you. I'm going to give you advice so you can be you know have a couple friends. Try getting contacts. Your skin doesn't seem to be in the best condition try moisturizers and exfoliating. Cover-up if needs I cant really tell if you need it. Make up get lip gloss eye-shadow that stuff. Let you hair grow nice and long and then straighten it. And for the number one thing loose some weight. If you are really serious and want to feel good and have a life then loose the weight. It'll be better for your health force yourself to like natural foods. Shop at places like Hollister, Abrecombie, American Eagle and Aeropostale. Smile be happy. Like really smile from the heart. Do things that make you happy take risks. DP things your scared of like a roller coaster. See a horror movie have the adrenaline run. And maybe when you take care of yourself and make yourself truly happy you will find a friend or a boyfriend. I really hope things work out...


  3. That is so sad.

    I feel soo bad.

    People shouldnt make fun of you!!!!

    I bet your nice.

    Well i think you should get clothes from hollister :D

    A hair cut to.

    I think contacts.

    Or thiner glasses.

    I would be your freind if i knew you


  4. yeah thers nothing wrong with you. except i thought you were a guy in the picture but the person above said you looked like a nice girl. but anyway you do look really nice. and yeah you should smile alot. be confident !! thats always the key.

  5. well i don't see the problem. Maybe if you change your looks by getting a haircut, working out and just being happy, I see no way how people can make fun of you.

  6. I don't see anything wrong with you.

    You look like a normal girl to me, so I don't know why people would make fun of you.

    Just be more friendly, and smile more. You should smile in your pictures, so you at least give off happy vibes.

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