
Please help me quick.....medical advice.?

by  |  earlier

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So ever since i was little i can remember that i get these extreme pains in the top of my head feels as though something pops, then it feels really warm.....and my eye twitches...Please help.




  1. This has been happening since you were little--and you just now need answers to this quickly?  perhaps it should have been addressed when you were young, or maybe it can wait until monday.  

    Either way, sorry, but i don't have any advice.  

  2. Better see your Doctor sir, can't come up with an answer for that one. Sorry.

  3. well if it was anything serious, you would not be here to ask this question right now. Especially since you have been having them since you were a kid.

    I suggest you go to the doctor to find out. You are probably just having something called cluster headaches which can feel like a hot poker on top of your head, or sometimes in your eye.

    Either that or you are having mini-strokes and are a miracle of modern science because you can still function. :) either way I would go to the doc.

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