
Please help me - right of way?

by  |  earlier

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can someone please explain to me who has right of way in which circumstances on the my book isnt very good.. is it that if you are joining a road from another they have right of way




  1. (a) The driver of a vehicle approaching an intersection shall yield the right of way to a vehicle which has entered the intersection from a different highway.

    (b) When two vehicles enter an intersection from different highways at approximately the same time the driver of the vehicle on the left shall yield the right of way to the vehicle on the right.

  2. Yes. If you are merging onto another road you must yield to oncoming traffic. It is the same concept as getting on a freeway: You either speed up or slow down to match the speed of traffic on the freeway and then merge. The people already on the freeway do not necessarily have to yield, but some may just so you can get on the freeway easier.

    Hope that helps!

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