
Please help me should i just give up? ?

by  |  earlier

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i have a driving test booked up & have canceled/moved about 7 already and i am being told by my driving instructor that it is unlikely i will be able to do it i haven't even done a test yet and have been driving well over a year now and everyone else i know all my friends and my sister have passed there test but i cant even take one i feel so embarrassed i don't mind if i fail it i just really want to take it but no instructor will take me for one i feel so frustrated and am seriously thinking about just giving up driving!! but don't know if that's the right thing




  1. Phew, that is a seriously long sentence! Ever heard of punctuation?

  2. dont give up driving..your instructer is a jerk..find a nice one! haahaa.. just study hard for the test..have your sister and friends take you to empty parkinglots so you can practice

  3. Your remark about your driving instructor saying that it's unlikely that you will pass bothers me. Ask him if there are particular skills that you need practice on. If so, focus on them.

    I understand your being nervous about the test. After driving for about 100 years, I studied for, and took, my CDL exam for semi trucks about a year and a half ago. I was nervous too. I actually failed the backing skills test the first time. I practiced and nailed it the second time. The road test went well though. Once you're on the road, you'll be so busy paying attention to your driving that you won't have time to think about being nervous. I doubt that your tester will ask you to do anything illegal or stupid, like turning the wrong way into a one way street. If he/she does, politely refuse and explain that there is a legal or safety issue involved.

    I wouldn't give up if I were you. I know you want that license so bad you can taste it! Just set your sights on your goal and go for it. If you fail, find out why and fix the problem. Then test again.

    If there's anything else we can help you with, don't hesitate to ask


  4. Yeah if you've been driving for over a year with an instructor and they still won't take you for a test, it sounds like that will be a great idea for you to just give it up!  We don't need anymore bad drivers out on the road!!!

  5. i would just give it up as a bad job

  6. take the test putting it only makes it more nerve racking--when you take the test you will then know what you need to work on to pass

    good luck it is only a test to drive

  7. Practice makes perfect. Instead of worrying, spend your time practicing.  Practice your punctuation, too; it makes writing much more enjoyable for the reader!

  8. NEVER give up!  well keep looking Good Luck!!!

    : ) Coobycoo

  9. Find a new driving instructor and get a second opinion. If that one says the same, maybe you just weren't meant to drive. However, I suspect that your current instructor is just trying to get more money out of you !

  10. as an instructor I would advise you to change to a different instructor him telling you its unlikely you will pass makes me think hes no good at his job. hes there to encourage you to drive and give you positive feedback not negative. get a new instructor and do a few mock tests with them this will prepare you for your test. Hope this is of help and keep going  

  11. Get another instructor.  My sister failed 3 tests with the same one and passed first time when my mum taught her.  She took the test in mums car

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