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1. Which is a key factor that affects the climate of mountainous Latin America? (2 points)


El Niño


sea breezes

2. Which statement best describes the economies of Central America? (2 points)

Central America's economy is dependent on the fishing industry.

Central America depends on oil as its major export.

Central America is known for coffee, sugar cane, and cacao trees.

Most countries in Central America depend on chicle.

3. Which is common to both the ancient Mayan and Aztec civilizations? (2 points)

They both spoke Nahuatl.

Their civilizations peaked at the same time.

They both lived in Middle America.

They both defeated Spanish invaders.

4. Which of the following is true of the religion of the Incas? (2 points)

The Incas believed there was only one god.

The Incas worshipped many gods.

Incas believed spirits lived only in the temple of the sun.

Incas believed that they should honor people, not gods.

5. What did the Line of Demarcation show? (2 points)

the land of the Mayas and Aztecs

where water from rivers flow into the Atlantic Ocean or the Pacific Ocean

where Portugal and Spain could settle and trade

where Central America ends and South America begins

6. The most unusual thing about how Brazil gained independence was that (2 points)

it was done without fighting.

it took less than a year.

three armies attacked land borders.

it was the first time that horses and cannons were used in war.

7. One major economic problem facing most Latin American countries is that (2 points)

the majority of people are poor.

the countries were ruled by caudillos.

the haciendas cannot grow enough food.

they cannot trade with other countries.

8. Which of the following statements about the ancestry of most of the people of Central America is most accurate? (2 points)

People in Central America are of African ancestry.

People in Central America are of mestizo ancestry.

People in Central America are of Spanish ancestry.

People in Central America are of diverse ancestry.

9. The two main cultures of the island of Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti) are (2 points)

mestizo and African.

Arawak and Ciboney.

Dutch and English.

Chinese and Middle Eastern.

10. Andean countries in South America include (2 points)

Ecuador and Bolivia.

Peru and Chile.

Ecuador and Colombia.

Venezuela and Brazil.

11. Why has relying on one crop or resource presented an economic problem for many Latin American nations? How have these nations been trying to solve this problem? (5 points)

12. How are the cultures in South America like the cultures in Mexico? How are they different? (5 points)




  1. 1. Elevation affects all mountainous climates.  Sea breezes are largely responsible for the Andes Atacama Desert. El Nino has little effect.

    2. Coffee, sugar cane, and cacao trees.

    3. They both lived in Middle America.

    4. The Incas worshiped many gods.

    5. Where Portugal and Spain could settle and trade.

    6. It took less than a year.

    7. The countries were ruled by caudillos.

    8. People in Central America are of diverse ancestry.

    9. Mestizo and African.

    10. Peru and Chile.

    11. a) Lack of crop rotation is detrimental to the soil.  Lack of crop diversity is not good.  One crop can fail and there is nothing to fall back on.  

    b) Countries have been diversifying crops.  Growing more than one crop.

    12.  a) South American and Mexican culture share music, food, folk art and dance as well as religion and other customary practices.  Their language is overwhelmingly Spanish (outside of Brazil).  Their culture can be defined as "Indo-Afro-Latin American culture."

    b) South American and Mexican culture are different because of the ethnic influence of its people.  Diverse cultural practices include the distinct native cultures prior to the arrival of the Europeans (mainly the Spanish).  South America has more Portuguese, French and African culture than Mexico.

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