
Please help me someone!! pregnant and...?

by  |  earlier

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im 14 weeks and 4 days...and i have diarea sense the morning and my stomach has started to hurt around 3...i have a bad stomach ache and it makes head hurts so bad i feel like i have a fever but they check me and they said no. im cold i feel cold.

i threw up 2 today..plz what can i do for this stomach ache to stop without hurting my baby.




  1. it sounds like you have bad morning sickness and a bit of a bug. I would be going and seeing your doctor to make sure all is well. But if its just morning sickness you can get blackmores morning sickness tablets which help, get a ginger tea and work out which are your worst times try to eat around them and rest or sleep when the bad times come. I just had my baby and i had 9 months (every day) of morning sickness so i hope your ok. Good luck.

  2. Well u could always call a doctor but 4 quik relief take some alcohol or whisky, cover ur socks in them put them on ur feet and then the illness should be sucked out immediatley. hope u feel better. Just dont drink it, remember u are pregnenet lol.  

  3. try to stay in bed and eat light foods which are filled with vitamins and minerals. Such as veggies and fruits. Also, drink plenty of fluids and try to stay in bed. As for the pain, try putting warm packs and gently rubbing in circular movements. Also, for stomach aches, drinking hot chamomile tea helps. Make sure u drink it w/out sugar though. Hope the pain leaves =(

  4. Pepto and a warm (not hot) compress on your tummy and head. should soothe you! Get well soon sweety!

  5. I know a cure for diarreah, the stomach pain i would ask your doc.  

    For diarreah, boil milk, then cool it in the refridgerator.  When it is cold, drink it and eat applesauce.  I am not sure why this works but my mother in law suggested it for my kids 15 yrs ago and it works like a charm. Boiling the milk changes the composition somehow so does cooling it again.  

  6. if you had love your stupid no offense but thats way to young for baby making and you know i think i sound like a soccer mom

  7. plz dont take any medicine without dr,s permission call ur dr rite away.

    and yh here is a home made recipe which is 200% safe in pregnancy and will never harm ur baby....

    1)few leaves of mint

    2)3 0r 4 cardamom

    3)aniseed ...u can put half tea spoon

    4)3 glass of water

    put all in a same pot boil untill the water change its colour drink it when its cold u can try this everyday best for ur stomach.

    there is no harm of this recipe i m 11 weeks pregnant and my mom told me that and i drink that without any hesitation

    i hope u feel better

    best of luck+congrats

  8. immediately Go to your doctor !  

  9. Pepto bismal

  10. i don't think you can take anything just try to tuff it out for a few days and go back to the doctor is it keeps on going

  11. hi i understand how you are feeling. iam going through the same thing too and this is my second baby,different to my first pregnancy. the diarrhea is normal around this time. some woman get constipated and others have diarrhea,its just luck and i would rather have what i have than not c**p at all. the bad stomach pain are your ligaments stretching and if this is your first baby, its going to be the worst because your  body isn't used to be pregnant before and needs to stretch everything. the coldness,well iam getting that also and all you can do is just rug up or take a warm bath to relax you. i had this stomach ache up the top of my belly last night, it wasn't bad pain,just uncomfortable and irritable. i just had some flat lemonade and my stomach pain went away,so give that a go. good luck and congrats.

  12. Please listen to me.You need to go to the hospital.The infection can play a dangerous part in your child's growth and development,I wound up in hospital for 3 days on a drip. That was 3 years ago my lil girl is happy and healthy now.but please check it out.if your a fan of natural yoghurt its a good idea to eat this as it will bring you back to normal.

  13. Eat crackers and apple slices (it helps to soak up the stomach acids). Check and see if there are any diareah medicines you can take over the counter for the diareah or headaches. Try and type in some over the counter medicines to see if they are safe first before you take them. I was taking something kinda like pepto bismol and Tums (Tums is definately safe) but it wasn't helping. Turned out to be a bacterial infection, so I was perscribed some "safe" bacteria to counter the bacterial infection.

    This will probably pass soon, but if it doesn't or the meds don't help, then go back and see your doctor.

  14. Your diarea may not be related to the rest of your symptoms, you should eat some cheese and crackers. The head ache and belly pains (if the belly pains are low where you baby is), and this may sound off the wall for your age but it is possible, may be due to your back. You may need to see a chrioprator. A few years ago when I was 18 I thought I was loosing my baby at 30 week because of belly pain and head aches so great I couldn't function and had no back pain, I had a doctor refer me to a chrioprator and he told me I had vertabrate that where pinching nerves causing my belling and head to hurt. Your spine has great deffintion over how the rest of your body feels and functions due to all the nerves running through it.

  15. Call your doctor. See what he tells you.

  16. 4Head

    it does work, when my sister in law was pregnant she used that she said it makes you feel a little bit sick but it gets rid of any pain

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