
Please help me the kids grandmother and my wedding?

by Guest11068  |  earlier

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please help me im getting married next year to a wonderful man!!!!! but the problem is that fact that i have two kids from a previous relationship but im still in contact with the kids grandmother i see her every week. i want her to come to the wedding but my partner dosent want her there he has a major problem with her but doesnt mind if the grandfather comes. he only wants there for the night but i want there all day. i dont know what to do please help cause we keep arguing all the time over it.




  1. If you have a friendly relationship with your kids grandmother, then why WOULDN'T she be invited to the wedding?   You have every single right to invite who you want to invite... this woman may be your ex's mother, but she sounds like she is still very much your FRIEND and therefore it would be very appropriate to invite her to the wedding.... it promotes family unity if nothing else...  

  2. Well, ask him if he'd mind if she came to the wedding. Explain to him that it's important to you and that's you really appreciate him being more understanding.. By the way, it's not his wedding, it's both of your weddings. He needs to compromise. Why not invite her to the ceremony, but not to the reception. That way she shares in your day, but isn't there for the whole thing.

    I hope everything works out, but learn from this. You're about to marry a wonderful man, who is keeping YOUR child's grandmother out of their lives... it'll only get worse with time, if you allow him to get his way.

    Good luck!

  3. Either they are both invited or neither.  You can't invite only one half of a couple.  Quite honestly I wouldn't invite either since it could make your husband to be uncomfortable there having your former partners parents at the wedding.

  4. Gonna have to compromise... Tell her to come for the meal and after, she'll miss the actual wedding but she'll be there for a lot of the time still?

  5. You don't say why your fiancee has this problem with your children's grandmother, and not the grandfather, obviously she has personally upset your fiancee, and he needs to deal with this, it's his problem not yours.

    What is the difference if this lady comes at the night reception, or the day time ceremony ? what is your guy afraid of.. some sort of confrontation ? surely if it's going to happen it will happen whatever time of the day.. and I really can't imagine that, from what your saying, this lady wants to spoil your day in any way, why should she ?

    You need to find the cause of your guys frustration, and see if there is a solution, maybe it's an apology he wants, for something said/done ? talk to this lady's husband, see if you can't find a solution, he may be able to talk to your fiancee for you and help in this, you never know, a man to man talk, may help.

    Don't argue, this will only make the matter worse, and it'll look like you're taking sides, talk calmly, or leave it for a while, after all it may all sort itself out before your actual day.. I hope so.

    have a wonderful life, I'm sure it'll work itself out.

    Caramac x

  6. First off, you can't invite half of a married couple.  It's rude.  You can either invite both of them or neither.  As for having one person there that someone has "a major problem with" then keep in mind that the amount of time spent in the direct company of said person is a bare minimum.  If you're having assigned seating, put her and her husband across the room from you and allow your new husband to avoid contact with her.

    If he refuses then remember it's his wedding too, and don't invite them.

  7. She is still considered your family i think you should be able to invite her, your ex isn't coming

    my mom and her ex mil (my g'ma) still talk

    just invite her and don't tell him lol

    good luck

    she def has to come!

  8. why would you want her there ? your not in the old relationship now

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