
Please help me this is serious?

by  |  earlier

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people (i don't know who) are saying stuff about me and apparently don't even know me and there going to my school in a week and its making me want to kill myself how do i get my self esteem up because I'm in a serious depression right now and if they say something to me or confront me or whatever i dont know what to do

someone please please help me




  1. IMO you can't really take control of any situation if you don't fully express it in words. You give so little information that it seems you are hiding the central issues involved. Maybe this is not the best place to get advice if it is really something vital to you, but since you ask, and since we don't know you, then it is important for you to state the facts so you can order your ideas. Just by doing that you will get a clearer idea of what to do.

    What stuff are they saying?

    How did you find out?

    How are they related to your school?

    Why would people that "apparently" don't know you want to hurt you?

  2. I know this sounds cheesy, but ignore it. You said yourself that they don't know you, so the stuff they're saying can't be true. Just blow it off, wwhen they see that it's not affecting you, they will get bored with it and move on. Don't give them the satisfaction that they are hurting you. Thats all they want in the first place, to degrade you to make themselves look better. They are just insecure with their own lives and the only way they know of to get self esteem is to trash others. And furthermore, they are probably jealous of you and want to be like you.

    I have gone through the same thing, rumors aren't fun. Just stay strong and know that you are better than them, better than that. And if you wnat to talk about, please don't hesitate to email me. Best of luck and God bless!!

  3. See the section on this page with advice for teen girls about people putting you down.

  4. first think about the resource who told you "people are saying stuff about you." usuallyy that person exaggurates and it sounds worse than it is. it depends what its about if they confront you or not. dont worry about it thoughh, people need to mind their own buisness and if they confront you theyy need to get a lifee.. and if its not true ( what they're confronting you about ) then just deny it. theres always gonna be people like that in life, so dont even worry about it.

  5. "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

    -Dr. Seuss

  6. People will always talk about you whether you are doing good or bad.  Unless these kids physically try to hurt you I wouldn't put too much thought into it.  Most of the time when people talk about you it is only because they envy something about the way you are.  If you are really concerned I would talk to your parents and alert the counselors in your school.  Maybe a mediation could take place to sort out the issue.  If that fails kick their asses!  :)

    Good luck and let us know how it worked out.

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