
Please help me to correct my speech.?

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hello, i need if you can help me to corrct my speech because tomorrow i will be in the student's conference i will need to give a speech

here is my speech

hello , my name is mirna, i'm 18years old ,

i'm congolese, congo is a country in the middle of africa, it also among the frrench speaking countries in the world , french is a language spoken in congo.

i'm studing with an objectif : to be importante in the society and also to became a doctor .

i would like to be a doctor because i like to help people who are in medical needed and also who need medical assistance to became a doctor is one of the occupation i dreamed about since i was a little girl school will hepl me to make that dream to became tru .

thank you...

please i need you to correct my engllish if the is a mistake,

thank you for being helpfull.




  1. just speak clearly, and DONT say "Ummmm", and dont say "like" alot.

    speak loudly too.

  2. Hi! Heres a corrected version:

    Hello, my name is Mirna and I am 18 years old. I am congolese, and am originally from Congo, which is a  french speaking country in the middle of Africa. My objective for studying is to ultimately become an important member of society, and one day a doctor. I aspire to become a doctor because, I would enjoy helping those who are in need of medical attention, and have dreamed of doing so since I was a little girl. I know that school would tremendously help that dream become a reality.

    Thank you.

  3. Hello, my name is Mirna, I am 18 years old and have been in the United States for ?? I am from Congo which is located in the middle of Africa. It is a french spoken country.

    My goals are to study and become a doctor. I have always liked helping people in any way that I can. So I decided to become a Doctor which has been my dream since I was a little girl. I am willing to try and go the distance to make my dream come true.

    Thank You

    Hope this helps you didnt give any detail on where you live so if im wrong just change it and it would be good.

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