
Please help me to help my grandfather

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My grandfather has been recently diagnosed with asbestos cancer. He has lost a significant amount of weight. He hardly eats anymore. My family is very worried. We went to his house for dinner today and he is literally wasting away. His doctors have given him different medication to try to get him to want to eat, but they all had negative side effects so they took him off of them. He is still not eating, so my family is trying to find something more natural that is a good appetite stimulant. (I already tried to convince him to smoke pot, but he won't)

Thank you so much for any advice!




  1. I would ask him why he does not want to smoke marijuana since it is used medically for the exact reasons your grandfather should smoke it. Otherwise, I'm not sure of any other natural drug that would want to make him eat.

  2. For his cancer I would try astragalus and  Korean ginseng, They did studies for cancer and it seemed to help. For his appetite I would recommend chamomile tea before meals or goldenseal 20 minutes before eating.  

  3. you did the right thing with marijuana, thats its exact purpose.

    im in a very similar situation with my grandmother.  just today we were discussing the possibility of her smoking pot, but we understand, as does she, that she is not capable of smoking at this point.  what our next move is to do is to cook it into her food without her knowledge. we have also discussed the option of a tea.  the morals of this situation are irrelevant.  

    or you could ask him to try marinol.  marinol is synthetic thc in a pill, and has shown some benefit, although not to the same extent that pure marijuana has.  you should get a marijuana expert to go to talk to him, maybe it just takes a lot of convincing, as this would be the best thing.  or make yourself an expert, do your homework, educate yourself and him. just know that your experience is shared. the websites provided at the bottom can be used to find more information, especiallly, which adresses a plethora of cases, including your grandfathers.  

    pm me for more info, i would love to help you with this.


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