
Please help me to know which animal to get?

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hey my name is jenny um my guiny pig resently died from his tee th were growing wrong and then leaded to him not able to eat . i am now waning to get a chinchila or a parrot can you tell me what animal i should get and why. also i would like to know the mane ilness that they die from im leaning more towards the bird but who know i dont have to sso please help me out thank you so much babye




  1. i would say get a budgie (parakeet) or a cockatiel. NOT a large parrot you need more experience. Please research around about the chinchilla and the budgie and cockatiel i have a cockatiel as a first bird and i LOVE her to death. Birds can be very affectionate and can be taught tricks like turn around, kiss, foot lift, and the wave. I am now even teaching my cockatiel to dance. Learn more about each pet and care then you decide =)

  2. I don't mean to sound rude but most of the time teeth that are over grown can be corrected by a vet just simly trimming them down.  But I'm sorry for your loss.

    A parrot will live at least 20 years with good care. (Depending on the species you get it could be more) Parrots are loud, messy and will bite.  Parrots are also expensive and require an avian vet to treat them and help keep them in good health.  They need a diet of seed, pellets, and fruits and veggies as well as cooked foods like pastas. They are destructiveand will p**p all over your house.  They need a playstand as well, and most take up quite a bit of space. (Even the smaller birds)  Not only that but they require usally at least 2 hours a day out fo the cage with you, and they aren't like dogs.  They are like ahving a toddler for 20 years or more.  If thsoe committments don't bother you, then a bird could be for you.  If this is your first bird look into smalelr birds such as parrotlets, cockatiels, lovebirds, budgies, or a black cap conure if you want something a little bigger.  Avoid any large parrots like cockatoos, macaws, amazons, or greys as they are often too demanding for someone new to birds.  Most birds die from things related to a poor diet, so make sure you provide a good healthy diet and go to your avian vet to yearly to make sure everything si doing well and that no adjustments need to be made or if they do what they need to be.

    I don't know much about chinchillas but I found the perfect site. This site has everything to health to how to pick your chinchilla.  It tells you what you need, what the cost is, etc, etc. I went through the site and found it covers anything you need to know.  

    Which pet you should get needs be decided by you.  If you want a very interactive pet a small bid may be the right choice, but if nosie and mess( or if you don't wantto get bit) Then a chinchilla may be better for you.  I would do further reading and see which fit your lifestyle best.

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