
Please help me tough decision?

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I was trying to kiss my friend but I bit her lip instead and it bled. I'm kind of embarrassed because I was with my friend Chrys but luckily he didn't say anything but I know he was thinking it. It was a bad idea because we were on ice with public people and everyone saw. Including my mom. Luckily she thought it was an accident but then I realized how much I missed my ex-girlfriend. Then I tred o call her but she didn't pick up. I'm kind of stuck between the both of them, one is really shy and nice(my ex GF) and the other is so pretty but she always steals my food and kicks my p***s with her ice skates on but then is really kind to me. What should I do? I really think I'm about to turn g*y.




  1. do what you feel is right for you, not Leah or me

  2. Angela really liked you you sicko.

  3. who do you like more? you should ask yourself this question and choose the girl that will make you happier. but if you choose your friend think about how awkward it will be and be sure you can handle it and if you go back to your ex try to repair what ever broke you too up because it's not point in going back out with her if you will break-up for the same reason. and i heard that being g*y only works if you are g*y so don't let too girls choose weather your g*y or not there are always more girls

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