
Please help me understand the reason as to why the world can't get along?

by  |  earlier

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Why is it that, when it's time for the Olympics, countries come together? But then, after all is done, we still seem to fall into war and terrorism, cause pain and suffering. With the few little mishaps here and there at the being of the open, it all seems to fall into good grace. Then,BOOM, it's over(olympics) and it's back to the some I want this and I want that in my country and not yours bull**** My country is better than yours"! Seriously, it's complete nonsense!




  1. A wise man once said that "War is the natural state of man".  Conflict is in our genes, I am afraid.  There is a natural tendency for humans to take sides - us vs. them.

    Also, we are selfish animals, so for power, we fight, we take, we rape.  

    Wish I have a better answer for you, but sadly this is the truth that I see.

  2. hate , jealousy envy.

    take for instance in your work place ,govt city count especialy, youll finf favoritism based on race all the time.

    that causes problems.

    lazy people, causes problems for those working.

    knowledgeable causes envy .

  3. *sighs* sometimes, i want to move to mars or something :(  

  4. oil

  5.   Actually, as long as there are different people, races, religions and beliefs, there will always be war. It has always been that way and always will. I do not believe it to have anything to do with governments as much as it has to do with each of us as individuals choosing groups and sides to belong to. Perfection is impossible.  

  6. yeah it is because people loose sight of what the world is about, we are ment to live as one, im sure thats why so many cults exist there trying to find a whole to life just like you are.

  7. governments are stupid and selfish...and there's a lot of stupid racist people EVERYWHERE, but specially in the U.S. who think only their country is a good one and everyone else retarded is that?

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