
Please help me understanding this definition of pre-existing health condition?

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The definition of preexisting condition given by a insurance website: "Pre-existing condition" means an Injury or Sickness which was contracted or first manifested itself or was treated or recommended for treatment by a licensed physician, or for which medication was prescribed, within 6 months prior to the effective date of the Insured Person coverage under this Policy.

...Now my wife was diagnosed for a disease in 2004 when we were in India and she is taking medicines for it now also. now will that be considered as preexisting under this definition if i start the policy from today? I think it shouldnt be, bcoz it was diagnosed much longer than the mentioned 6months period. am i correct? please help.




  1. Yes, this is absolutely considered a pre-existing condition. Be sure and disclose this issue completely.

    Be sure and shop around as not all companies handle pre-existing conditions the same way. Compare quotes from many different reputable companies and then work with an independent health insurance agent to sort it all out.

    Here is some more information on finding health insurance with a pre-existing condition:

  2. pre existing is ANYTHING that you have knowledge of.. anything you have seen a dr for. yes, this is a pre existing condition. because i tell you what, the first time she goes to the dr for that condition or picks up that medication, its going to be a red flag. most policy's have a 6 month PEC waiting period, check with your insurance. she will have to prove that she didnt know that was a PEC if they catch it. and that is insurance fraud my friend.. legally, if you are caught lying, they can cancel your insurance without warning.. then what are you going to do??

  3. Your own written explanation of a pre-existing condition is self-explanatory.

    Any ailment that is being treated at the time of the application for insurance, and within 6 months prior, is considered a pre-existing condition.

    Another definition of a pre-existing condition is a condition which has not been treated, but would have caused an ordinary prudent person to seek medical attention for that condition.

    I wish your wife well, and God bless.

  4. Yes, it's considered preexisting.  She's taking medications for it now.  She has a current prescription.  She's currently being treated for it.  It's not when it was first diagnosed, it's if she's been treated for it in the past six months, OR, if she has had any medication for it in the past six months.  ANY or ALL of those conditions apply, you can't just pick one.

    It's a pre-existing condition.

  5. If your wife is currently being treated for a medical condition that was diagnosed almost 4 yrs ago it will be considered a "pre-existing condition." What the insurance company may do is have you and your wife evaluated by one of their doctors before accepting you. The reason the insurance company say this is because they don't want to add members that will cost them too much money to treat. My parents have worked in the health insurance field for over 30 yrs now and this is all they talk about.

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