
Please help me with US History????

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Who fought who (states) in the US civil war?

Who won the US civil war and why?

what were the results of US civil war?

Name 2 Generals for each side in the US civil war?




  1. I don't know if I'll be much help but I took U.S History last year so yeahh..

    The Union and the Confederates fought in the civil war.

    The Union Won the civil war, and why, it's just because they were hella amazing. =D

    The results is that most blacks were released from slavery.

    Robert E. Lee (Confederate)

    Ulysses S. Grant. (Union)

  2. Are you serious?  Who fought the war and the results??  It is darn scary if you live in the USA and don't know basic history.  It is my ardent hope that I am mistaken and you have only recently arrived in the US. If so, please accept my sincere apology.

    If not, do your own homework...for pity's sake, at least google "US Civil War."

  3. 1.  Northern States:  California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Wisconsin. During the war, Nevada and West Virginia joined as new states of the Union. Tennessee and Louisiana returned to Union military control early in the war.  The territories of Colorado, Dakota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Washington fought on the Union side

    Southern States: Virginia N., Carolina S., Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, Tennessee, Georgia

    2. The South surrendered in April 9, 1865 - General Lee (Southern) tried to get to a rail of transportation, but he was cut off by Sheridan's cavalry.  Lee's army was reduced to little more than 25,000 men with rations for only a few days.  Lee was unable to get away and finally had to surrender.  Lee made one request and that was for his common soldiers to be permitted to keep such horses and mules as they had to enable them to do their spring planting.

    3. After the Civil War Reconstruction came about 1865 - 1867.  Reconstruction was originally meant to be the Southern States becoming part of the union again.  Instead it became a remaking of the South, so they would never rebel again.  Effects of Reconstruction: South hated the North more.  Blacks hated whites and whites hated blacks.  The Southern whites were determined to keep the blacks from political power.  South was economically destroyed.  It would be a 100 years before there was a President from the South again.  There were 3 types of people who became leaders of the South: blacks, carpet baggers (Northerners who moved into the South to rip off the South even more), and Scalawags (Southern whites who were considered traitors by their own people).

    4. Southern Generals: Lee Grant

    General Stonewall Jackson

    Northern Generals: General Ulysses Grant

    General William Sherman

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