
Please help me with a good topic on economics.?

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i am doing this summer an extended essay on economics for Albania but i haven`t decided on the topic yet.I am hoping someone of you will come up with the right idea.please




  1. demand and supply or the different types of economic system will be an interesting topic

    if about the present inflation will be an interesting topic as v are facing it

  2. This is just a intro to the history of their economy..... I got it from Wikipedia.

    The collapse of communism in Albania came later and was more chaotic than in other Eastern European countries and was marked by a mass movement of refugees to Italy and Greece in 1991 and 1992. Attempts at reform began in earnest in early 1992 after real GDP fell by more than 50% from its peak in 1989. Albania currently suffers from high organised crime and curruption rates, the highest in Europe. Reforms are taking place to fix that.

    If I had more info on the essay, I might could be more help, but maybe that's a start.

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