
Please help me with ideas on how to get my 11 yr. old daughter to go to bed by herself.?

by  |  earlier

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I've been looking on line for some ideas to make her sleep without me or my husband having to hang out in her room waiting for her to sleep. And to have her stop waking up 3-4x's a night-and coming into our bedroom.




  1. Establish a bedtime ritual, maybe chat with her for a few minutes while she's in bed, tuck her in and tell her she has to stay in her room.  If she can't sleep, she can read, listen to music (low volume or headset) or do some other quiet activity, but unless she's sick, she has to stay in her own bed.  If she comes out, walk her back to her room and be firm.  Start a calendar and for every night she complies, put a star on the date.  When she accumulates a week's worth of stars, she gets a little gift.  This worked with both my kids when they were little.  We no longer needed the calendar after about 6 weeks.

  2. wow, that must not be fun for you and your husband! lol.

    Ask her why she does this. Is it because she is scared? You need to talk to her and tell her that she is too old to be doing this, maybe she is scared or something is wrong at school. Tell her if you leave her alone for 7 days (in a row) she gets a movie of her choice, or something she likes. like a toy, a personal lunch date with her dad or you, or take her to a movie. When my sister was younger and she did that to my mom and dad, they used the bribery method and she eventually stopped.

  3. bribe her

  4. I saw this on an epsiode of Supper Nanny , what you have to do is be consistant put her to bed the same time every night and try not to have too much stumuli just before bed time. Next (here comes the hard part , but be strong ) When you put her to bed and turn of the light you can not engage her , she will try every trick in the book;  bathroom , i am thirsty ,and  I am scared. Do not give in.

    Complete any bedtime rituals you may have.

    When she tries to get out of bed this is what you do.

    First attempt - Tell her is bed time and she has to go to bed.

    Second attempt - No words , or engaging , just walk her back to her bed . Follow this exactly every time she gets out of bed.

    This will not fix itself overnight but it will work if you guys stay consistant.

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