
Please help me with my Biology Lab?

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Explain the function of the blood and circulatory system in terms of their importance in maintaining homeostasis in the body?

Also please explain the functioning of the blood and circulatory systems?

Thanks so much for helping me!!!!




  1. Plasma: 90% is water. 10% are electrolytes and proteins. The electrolytes help maintain the osmotic balance of blood while the proteins function in a variety of ways: blood clotting, immunity, buffering agents, increase the viscosity of the blood. Plasma also contains waste materials, hormones, nutrients, and dissolves gases also included in the 10%.

    Blood cells: Erythrocytes, biconcave discs, that transport oxygen. Lack nuclei, mitochondria; generate ATP exclusively by anaerobic metabolism. Contains hemoglobin, an iron containing protein that reversibly bonds with oxygen. Kidneys secrete a hormone called ERYTHROPOIETIN, which stimulated the production of red cells by the bone marrow. Leucocytes: function in body defense and immunity. 5 types (basophils, eosinophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes).

    Platelets: noncellular structures that function in blood clotting.

    Blood Clotting: Platelets break upon hitting the rough area of a wound. It releases a chemical called THROMBOPLASTIN which changes prothrombin (floating in the blood) to THROMBIN. Thrombin now will react with several other chemicals and eventually cause FIBRINOGEN (found floating in the blood ) into an insoluble material called FIBRIN.

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