
Please help me with my depression...I moved to USa agains my mother wishes 8 years ago..

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I was seeing her every year for a week or so.She used to tell me one day you will come see I am dead. She passed away last year and my sister who was living with her got very depressed and asked me to come back please and if I dont come back then one day I will come and see she is dead.My wife left me few months ago. My sister passed away 2 weeks ago.More than likely she killed herself because she couldnt take it anymore.I am very depressed now. I am crying all the time. I dont see any future for myself and I have no reason to live but I dont want end up where she did.I dont want kill myself.I have no one left anymore.I am living alone.It is killing me. I used to take medication for depression but I stoped it last week because I couldnt take pills when I saw bags of depression pills on my sisters tabe.I try hard to watch funny movie,going out or anything I can do. I even do meditation but still I am having hard time.Please help me and tell me what I sould do in this situation.Thanks




  1. wow; this sounds too serious and complicated for me to give direct advice, but i would suggest a support group with people in similar situations.

  2. This is a lot of hits for even someone who does not have a tendency to get depressed to take. Start taking your meds again and see a therapist and psychiatrist, ASAP.

    Also, join a support group for people dealing with loss.

    I know that is easier said then done but you have so much life experience ahead of you that will be good. You just need some extra help and support while you go through these losses and unnecessary guilt.

    Hang in there.  

  3. you seem lonely to me and that is what may be causing your depression try to get out meeting people do some voluntary work helping others makes us happier.

    you deserve better than this for your life so get out and help a few people you will feel better.

    try not to think negative and dont put yourself down.

    god loves you and he chose you  to be born for a purpose and jesus died for you on the cross that is how important you are.

    when you get out i am sure you will meet some loving nice ones and the ones who are not ignore.  try to get some counselling at some church,s they have counselling services free, i think you need to talk to someone to help you get through this difficult stage.  i have prayed for you and you take care and love and god bless you denise

  4. Please see a doctor right away and get some help so you don't have to feel so sad. You have had a lot of loss in your life recently so it's no wonder you have problems coping. But life can get better. For a while you need to be your own best friend, get yourself to a doctor, and be kind to yourself. You are still grieving. It is not your fault that your family members died. You will need to plan a new life for yourself, but first you must see a doctor to get stronger and get some relief from your emotional pain. I hope you soon feel better. I am so sorry to hear of your losses!

  5. you need someone to talk to and be htere for you. mail back if there is anything i cna do or help with

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