
Please help me with my dog?

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i have a papilion dog and 2 cats and my dog eats the cats poo and her breath just smells horrible is there anyway i can make her stop? and make her breath smell better? ive tried pedigree dentabones and there not working.




  1. put the litter box up on your laundry bench where she cannot reach it. The cats will still be able to get to it.

    Check her teeth and make sure she does not have yellow teeth or red gums. She could have a tooth infection. Get some doggy toothpaste and a small toothbrush and keep an eye on her teeth. Sometimes a poor diet can create problems as well so a vet check may be due!

  2. I have a papillion too, great little dogs.  She also ate p**p when she was a puppy, but after a few scoldings she stopped.  I think it's something they lack in their diet.  My dog ate dog p**p, don't know if that would ge different.  Call a breeder, maybe it's a papillion thing. Good luck.

  3. There are lots of reasons this could be going on in your home.  Dogs usually eat f***s when their is a deficiency of nutrients in their own diets.  But it can also be the result of your dog just still being hungry.  Still, some dogs engage in this behavior because of boredom, anxiety, or stress.

    Prevention is the best way to solve this problem, keep the cat box cleaned regularly.  Make sure you are using a healthy brand of dogfood.  And keep your dog entertained in a stress free environment.

    Hopefully this helps you and your animals.  

  4. Try using this spray that tastes horrible to dogs.  The vet told us to use it when our dog would try and bite the furniture.  I"m not sure the name but ask your vet and I'm sure they'll know.  Just spray that stuff on the f***s and I'm sure he'll never want to eat that again.

    Good luck!!

  5. When I used to have this problem, I put the litter box in an area I could block off (under a desk) and put a baby gate in front of it, with just enough space for the cats to get in.  I also used a deeper (24" plus) plastic tub for a litter box. Your dog is small enough that she should not be able to get into a tub.

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