
Please help me with my future?

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I didn't really know where to put this so I am going to try in Pets...

Ok let me give you a little background about myself. I am a 15 year old girl living in the suburbs in Arizona. I don't really consider myself to be a typical "teen" I mean I have been able to get my permit for a while now but I don't want to because I haven't accepted that once I start driving I will be contributing to pollution and I am just not ready for that yet. I am a girl that believes in karma, I also think that you should treat people the way you want to be treated. I try to treat everyone with respect and understanding, the way I want to be treated. I believe that our world is kind of screwed up BUT that we can fix it if we wanted to. And right now i am not going to traditional school because I believe it is not the place for me. Don't get me wrong I am all for getting an education, I am trying to convince my parents to let me go to a REALLY good online public school. I think that the traditional school doesn't let me be who I truly am and there is so much negative energy. Now I know what your thinking why is this girl posting this in Pets, well I am because I want my future to involve animals.

I would like to own land and open a rescue for dogs, cats, horses, pigs, ducks, etc. But HOW do I do that. I know that in order to do this I need money to support it and I would like to something like They board, lease, sell, and give lessons, plus have a dog rescue. Then where does the money come to start it.

I the run in to another problem how do I get the experience. I have LOTS of experience with dogs but not much with an other animals because my parents won't let me have any more.(I have an 8 year old poodle mix and 6 month old lab) I have found a woman that is willing to give me riding lessons very cheap where she rides and I will be able to learn all about horses and have hands on experience.(The owner has 16 horses ranging from 6 months to 20 years) But my parents are unwilling to let me do this since I am not in school. I could do it on my own but it is 6 miles away and like 120 degrees every day. I would have no problem if I had a bike but I don't and I don't really have any money.

I just want to step out of this fast paced world and get back to nature. I also want to help the world I know right from wrong and I think the way some of us treat the world is horrible.

Please if you have any advice it would be appreciated because my family doesn't really understand me... My parents are lost with me since I am not like my other sisters. I just want to help but nobody will let me...

Thank you for your time

P.S. It has always been a dream of mine to get out of Arizona I want to experience 4 seasons and not die in the heat. If I could I would live in somewhere like Colorado so its not to far away from my family but there aren't many cacti.




  1. I wouldn't call your writing a rant. You sound you need wise words and helpful insights that will guide your thoughts and dream to the right direction. I think the way you think is very mature and smart in many ways, but also you need understand that dream comes with costs. These costs include: Fights, Struggles after struggles, Hard Works, Funding, Persistence and much more. You need to use "One step at a time" strategy and meantime enjoy your life, which means enjoy what you have now. You said that your parents didn't understand you. IMO, your parents are a crucial part of your "dream come true" future. You need to find ways to talk to them and understand you. Good communication skills help you to close many deals successfully and negotiate. If you can't figure out talking to your people, how would you own your business and deal with the business world chaos and pursue your dream. You need to educate yourself how to take care animals, how to do business and how to raise fund etc.,. if you don't have a bycycle, go to a thrift store and get one for $15 max. One step at a time. Think twice and find solutions and help youself. If you can't help yourself, how would you help animals and others. You need a "Plan". The plan that will make your dream come true! Think big and Start from small things. Help your sisters and parents to understand you and find a way communicate with them so that you would have some sort of support system.  I'm sure they love you and care of you. I don't know you, but I am proud of you that you think about the pollution and other negative human impacts to the earth. Montana is a nice place too.  

  2. I believe becoming a veterinarian and specializing in the caring of pets would really help you out in the long run for what you want to do.

  3. TL;DR IMO.



  4. Well first of all, when you get in college I recommend going to veterinary school, I know I will, I have the same love of animals! You can also have a fundraiser to raise enough money for that bike and a couple of lessons!

  5. whoa? that's one h**l of a rant you got there

    im only seventeen, i have no idea lol

    but your right about public schools, for the most part they suck ***.

  6. too many words .. bo-ring. Next time short and snappy please.

  7. Hi. You seem very straight forward about what you want to do in your life but do not know how to complete it. If you want to get into animal care you need more experience than just domestic animals such as horses and you also need to know about all sorts of things such behaviour of certain animals, grooming, health, excercise and living conditions as all animals need a good amount of space and just getting taught simple training by a horse rider isnt good enough. If you are not looking to be a veterinary surgeon you also need a vet on hand when you want to start a rescue home so they can check on overall health and the well being of the animal, staff to help you run a rescue home like that would be extremely helpfull however you must make sure they are experienced and qualified. like you im interested in working with animals when i enter my career however i need like you many qualifications so you can get there. My advice to you is to stay in school and go onto higher education there you can study animal care and animal management which means you can run your own buisness like a rescue home. It doesnt matter about your parents support as ;long as you have it from sponsers or your local branch obviously you need money and experience to get you started. you could always check with a local advisor. you also said you would like to travel and among that work with animals well zoology would be great or you, you work with and study exotic animals on your travels which can lead to further more amazing oppurtunities. you basically study the same thing but at a greater extent its much harder. you might be wundring how i know this, well its because ive been exactly where you are ive searched everywhere for the answers and im passing it on to you. i hope i have helped you. x

  8. You say you won't get your license because of pollution. You can't go horse back riding because your parents won't drive you out there. Well, if you are so thoughtful why can't you see how much work it is for others to take up their time to take a person places who won't get their lisence. People who don't have their lisence just create more drama. It this is 6 miles away do you expect someone to drive you & stay the whole time while they can be living their own life or do you expect them to drop you off & instead of 12 miles they will run the car 24...I will not go through all the reasons you have stated & point out all the holes in them....I know your reasons appear nice but deep down they are not, they are selfish. You think you are fooling people. ..You see the world as some place that needs fixing & when I see someone like that I tell them to fix themselves. Everyone else is exactly where they are supposed to be.. did you ever think about how you are judging others such as when you say the people at school are negative yet you don't want to be around them. Isn't it you who has the negative attitude?...I do not mean to be hard on you. You are a very evolved person but you can take it even farther in your thinking by looking at these things more truthfully...Most adults are no where up to your level so I a challenging you so please don't feal bad from what I am saying to you....I am saying take care of yourself....get you lisence so you can not be held back in life....My own personal opionion about pollution is that the earth would be healthy if we would just take care of ourselves...You are too concerned & you would be healthier learning to relax. You are trying to do everyhing so perfectly. I was like you & I had some hard lessons in life & if I can help you learn from what I am telling you it will save you so much pain...I think you should start reading some spiritual books so you understand your part in creating your future...You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay is a great one but there are so many alot of people are reading or watching the dvd on "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrnes

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